Disco Balls and Plane Tickets
Chapter 2

Melissa: I examined my ticket from the row and seat number and finally found row 28 seat A right in between Heather and the window. Squeezing through the tiny space they call leg room, I inched to my seat, managed to get my backpack off and plop down in the seat before shoving the bright blue bag under the seat in front of me. “Hey,” I said to Heather, who sat reading one of the magazines shoved in the pocket of the seat in front of her. “Dude, check it out,” her eyes got big with amusement, “its an aroma therapy pen!” She giggled almost uncontrollably until I hit her on the arm. “Don’t hyper-ventilate before we even take off.” “Its just so funny,” she defended herself. “I can tell, let me see that.” She handed over the magazine and I read the description. “Huh, this is real, ain’t in? Funny.” “Yep, I gotta order one now.” “For 50 bucks? Are you sure it’s not some huge rip off? For all you know, it could be a Mister Smelly marker…or whatever they’re called.” She examined the price again as Lillie took a seat on the other side of her. “Look,” she tried to point out to the pink haired girl as she struggled with moving passenger in an attempt to put her jacket up. “That’s great, Heather,” she tried to ignore her excitement over a pen. Lillie looked over her and at me, “So…how’s your summer been so far?” “Pretty good, actually couldn’t get much better.” “Ah…any guys we should know about?” I blushed, looking down at my faded jeans; a grin emerged on my face and I didn’t say a word. “Omg! Scoop! I need every detail. Name, job, school, car, kissing….everything!” Now I turned an even brighter shade of red and tried not to laugh. “Well, or you gonna tell or not,” Heather, who had stopped fishing through the magazine for an expensive alternative to the aromatherapy pen, exclaimed as they both sat wide eyed like little children waiting anxiously to hear some great fairy tale. “Is he cute,” Lillie asked. “Oh yea. He’s an angel.” They giggled. “So…does this angel have a name?” “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” “Try me, if I can believe in aroma therapy pens for 50 dollars, I can probably believe who your summer fling is,” Heather sat on the edge of her seat. “Well, you can’t laugh…or tell. Guys, I think I’m in love.” “Just give us the freaking name! You’re killing us,” Lillie screamed and the people in front of us turned around to shoot mean looks. We all laughed. They kept begging for a name. Finally, I told them, “Taylor Hanson.” “No shit,” Heather exclaimed, her eyes reaching the size of huge lemons. “Oh, come on! You’re so gullible, Heather. She didn’t meet Hanson and she’s definitely not smitten with Taylor…or whatever his name is.” I blushed as they fought over weather I was telling the truth or not. “She wouldn’t have said it if it wasn’t true!” “Yes she would have! She did it to trick you cause you’re the only one who would ever fall for it!” “Melissa,” Heather turned to me, “you’re telling the truth aren’t you.” “I wouldn’t lie about something like this.” Lillie rolled her eyes, “Idiots, both of you are delusional!” I reached in my bag and pulled out a picture Hillary had taken from the sound check at the Fox. It was a picture of Taylor with his arms around me kissing me. I waved it in front of the two girls, sending Heather almost into hyperventilation again. “Omg! I told you she was telling the truth!” “What program did ya use for that? How’d ya get your head onto the other girl’s,” Lillie questioned the authenticity of the photo. “I didn’t, its real.” “ I still don’t think so, not until I see concrete proof, I won’t believe it,” she exclaimed as the plane left the gate and started moving towards the runway. “I believe you,” Heather told me. “Thanks.” I saw the ground rush beneath us and felt the wheels leave the ground as the plane headed for the sky. I thought of Taylor as I looked out the window; I would soon be on the same continent again even if I didn’t see him for months. Peering throw the small window, I thought, “Goodbye home, hello world.”

Chapter 3