Disco Balls and Plane Tickets
Chapter 15

Melissa: The yellow walls glowed from exposure to the bright sunlight seeping into the lobby. I sighed, falling back into a large, cool, leather chair. I started to tap impatiently on the worn out, brown arms and leaned back, closing my eyes for a second. I gazed at the large crystal chandelier overhead sparkling in the morning light. I counted the shining drops of glass hanging over me. 1…2…3…4. “Hey you,” I heard a familiar voice behind me. My head spun around, “Spencer, hey!” Walking over, he took a seat on the arm of the chair. “Well, gorgeous, how are you on the fine morning,” he laughed. “Oh, just peachy,” I grinned, glad he appeared to have no harsh feelings towards me after he found out about Taylor from Heather…or saw it with his own eyes the day before. “So, what’s on your agenda for today,” he asked, putting an arm around me. “Not sure yet, I’m waiting for someone,” I told him, not wanting to mention Taylor’s name. “Oh,” a blank look crossed his face and I couldn’t read his emotions. He shook the look off noticing my troubled expression. “You ok,” he looked at me again. “Yea, I’m fine, just thinking.” He laughed and I turned to face the doorway. A minute later, I made out Taylor’s tall, skinny profile through the doorway blinded with light. Oh, great, I thought. I wanted to hide from it all and prayed for the best as he made his way slowly across the lobby. He finally reached the chair and I watched as Spencer, noticing Taylor, took his arm off my shoulder and rose slowly off the arm of the chair. I stood; giving Taylor a hug and watching the smile come to his beautiful face. He had no idea what was going on, no idea who Spencer even was. “Not flirting with my girlfriend, I hope,” Taylor laughed as I flinched inside. I saw the pain on Spencer’s face as Taylor latched onto my hand. I sent a shiver down my spine and a gut-wrenching pang to my heart. He extended his other hand out to Spencer. “Hey, I’m Taylor.” “I know, I’m Spencer,” he took Taylor’s hand without even a fake smile on his face; instead he carried the same blank expression that hurt me even more. I could sense the tension mounting in the small hotel lobby. I tugged at Taylor’s arm, “well, we better get going.” I winked at Spencer, trying to relieve some of the excessive tension in the air. “Ok,” he said as I led him out of the hotel lobby after telling Spencer goodbye. I had to explain to Taylor why Spencer might not like him.

Chapter 16