Disco Balls and Plane Tickets
Chapter 12

Heather: I pulled Melissa into the bathroom behind me. She laughed, “What was so urgent?” I turned bright red with embarrassment & excitement. “Dude, Bob asked me on a date.” “Yes,” she paused, “and that would explain why ya’ll are here together.” “I’m so nervous,” I exploded, “I just like him so much and I don’t want to screw it up.” She started giggling uncontrollably. “What,” I asked as fear took hold of me. “Nothing, its just so cute. You two are so adorable. I’m so happy for you!” I could read the excitement in her face I nervously blushed and mumbled, “Thank you,” before erupting in laughter. “So,” she started. “I knew you were telling the truth,” I brought up Taylor and she couldn’t fight the smile forming on her face. “I told you,” she said. “And he’s cute.” “Hell yeah! He’s just amazing, everything about him,” she giggled. So lucky, I thought. “So,” I nudged her, “is it love?” “Yes,” she beamed, “I’ve never been so in love.” “You’ve never been in love,” I offered. “Well, yea, but…,” she searched for the words. “I know,” I told her. “You know about Spencer, right,” I asked her. “What about him?” “Oh, nothing.” “No, tell me. You know you can’t ask me something without telling me why. Now, come on, Heather. What about Spence?” I sighed. I didn’t want to tell her. “The boy is crazy about you. Melissa, you should have seen the look on his face when he saw Taylor and you together.” “Oh no,” she hid her hands in her face. “Want me to talk to him for you,” I inquired. “No thanks. I guess its something I need to fix. I’ll talk to him about it later.” “Or maybe you shouldn’t, Melissa. You know what its like to have something like that happen to you. Maybe he just needs a little time alone to think about it all without anyone else.” “You’re right,” she sighed. She knew exactly what I meant by everything. Melissa was a very beautiful person inside and out, but she just didn’t have good luck with guys in the past. She always picked the ones that tended to break her heart and if anyone went through a lot of that in the past, it was Melissa. She lifted her head. “I feel so guilty in a way though. I feel like it’s my fault he got hurt.” “Its not, Lissa. It was just a combination of the timing and the whole friendship thing. Even if there wasn’t Taylor, it still wouldn’t work. You guys are too good of friends and I know how you are about that.” “Yea, you’re right,” she took a deep breath and looked into the mirror. I could see the hurt come back to her face. Each time she thought of the past, a ping of pain and low self-esteem came crawling back to haunt her again. She broke the gaze, fought the tear at her eye and hid her pain behind the smile once more. Taking another deep breath, she gave me a push, “You don’t wanna keep him waiting.” I laughed and walked out leaving her to herself for a moment as she composed herself and minutes later, emerged looking as if nothing had fazed her. Everyone that knew her couldn’t help but notice how strong she was.
Melissa: “Are you ok,” Taylor asked me as I slid back into my seat a few minutes after Heather. “Yea, I’m fine,” I smile and held his hand across the table. The waiter returned bearing drinks and I let Taylor, knowing much more about Italian food, order for the both of us. After dinner, we stepped into the street meeting back up with Bob and Heather. “There a new club down the street that supposed to be really cool, if ya’ll wanna come with us,” Bob asked in the streetlight as Heather stood smiling at his side. I looked up at Taylor. “Its up to you.” I felt his hand at my waist as I told him, “Sounds good.”

Chapter 13