Bright Angel
Chapter 7

Hillary: I turned down the TV as I began to make out a the soft sound of a car horn as if it was coming from the distance. I quickly hit the off button on the television set, grabbed my purse and coat and slammed the door behind me after yelling “bye, mom!” I sprinted towards the new slate blue Passat parked in the driveway, opened the door and crawled inside. “Hey!! Ya ready to go?,” Melissa asked as I reached for my seat belt. “Hell, yea! I’ll go shopping with Hanson anytime!,” we both laughed as she backed out of the drive and made her way down the street. As her Lifehouse CD played in the background, she offered,”you can change it if ya want,” knowing very well that I’d diffinately take her up on that offer. “You know what you need?,” I told her. “What?” “You need party music or at least something fast paced.” She laughed. “My CD book thing is on the right under your feet.” “Cool” I quickly flipped through her CD collection, or at least what she had of it in the car, and took of the “Romeo Must Die” Soundtrack and slid it in the CD player. As the music started playing we both started singing and dancing like complete idiots. 30 minutes later, the car turned into the one of the many parking lots at Lenox mall and the search for a good spot was on. We finally pulled into a spot on the top on the parking deck next to Macy’s realizing that it wasn’t near the usual packed capacity, at least not yet. As we got out of the car and locked it, suspense began to set in along with nervousness. We were really going to spend a day with Hanson, something we thought would never happen. The funny part about it all was that it had actually become an unbelievable reality and we were about to live that dream. Melissa let out as sigh as we opened the big glass doors separating us from the rest of the mall and the time of our lives. We rounded the corner passing Wet Seal and Pacific Sunwear heading towards the coffee shop. “Ok, they’re not here yet, so ya want something?,” Melissa asked me. “Its on me,” she offered. “Yeah, sure maybe it’ll help the butterflies” “I hear ya!” we both let out a nervous laugh and stepped into line. After ordering two hot teas and dumping tons of sugar into each, we eyed a table where a couple was just leaving like vultures waiting to attack and made a mad dash for the only free table. “So what do ya think today will be like?,” Melissa asked nervously picking at the bottom of the hot Styrofoam cup. “Bliss,” I replied, “pure bliss, if I can ever get over the butterflies.” “Yep,” she said, I could tell that they were engulfing her as well as she looked around her as if someone was going to jump out at her if she didn’t stay alert. We quickly finished our teas and spotting a little old couple coming out of the line, offered them our table. Just then the Tulsa threesome plus one walked around the corner and towards us. I kept my mouth shut as Taylor crept up behind Melissa and placed his hands over her eyes. She giggled as he whispered into her ear “guess who?” I think she was mainly in shock. “ummm…is it…Taylor?” she guessed. “Aw, man, I’ve been exposed!” She laughed as we gave each of them a hug.

Chapter 8