Bright Angel
Chapter 3

Zac: “Taylor! Hello?” I nudged the skinny 18 year old in the stomach. “ARE YOU THERE? HAVE WE LOST YOU?,” I shouted at him as he still sat in a trance. I hit him in the arm again to break the daze. “Huh? What?,” he muttered as the girl he had been staring at made her way into the hall with the blonde in green. I rolled my eyes at him. “You are lost!,” I told him about his constant staring, he made it so obvious. ”Zac, why don’t you go get some water or something, just give us a freaking break, man!,” Isaac yelled and I could tell he was getting another headache. “Its that girl in the red dress who thinks she can sing, isn’t it? Oh well, I feel so unloved, adios!” I sprinted into the hallway and towards the elevator.
Hillary: I walked onto the elevator and hit the first floor button. As it crept slowly towards the bottom while making an obnoxious tapping noise, I bitched, “God, they spend all this money on a new building and they have to buy a broken elevator!” “Ummm…. I’m sorry!,” I heard a deep voice from behind me and the tapping stopped. I didn’t even know there was anyone there! How embarrassing! “I’m sooooo…sorry! I didn’t know there was anyone else here! God, I’m an idiot!,” I apologized. Can you say most embarrassing moment ever? I could have died right there and I hadn’t even turned my head to see whom so quietly stepped into the elevator behind me. I chose to remain anonymous; if I didn’t turn around then maybe he wouldn’t have the chance to point me out to all his friends laughing later. I mashed the first floor button once more. “Come on!,” I whispered. The voice behind me laughed, the doors opened and I made a mad dash for the ladies room to take cover.
Zac: “Man, I didn’t even get a chance to check out her face,” I laughed while watching the blonde in the green sundress make her quick exit off the elevator. This was the same girl I had spotted earlier in the tan room. “Maybe later…no…too cute to be a maybe,” I thought. “I’ll catch her off guard and, who knows, maybe she’ll find my sick sense of humor cute.”

Chapter 4