Bright Angel
Chapter 22

Melissa: I looked from my computer to the clock on the wall, 10:30. “I gotta go,” I typed in the text block as I pointed the mouse at the sign off button. It was another attempt at escaping another ridiculously long conversation on who was hotter, AJ or Nick; I neither knew nor cared. As I turned off the computer, I escaped into my room, a haven filled with bright colors and lights. My target: the TV, it was 30 minutes until MadTV came on. As I made myself comfortable on the plush bed, I leaned against the denim pillows and reaching for the remote, pressed power and the room was alive with even more color and sound emitted from the tiny box atop the chest. The faint sound of thunder rolled in the distance, foretelling the coming of a summer storm. After flipping through numerous channels with no luck of finding a single interesting show on at the time, I settled on Behind the Music reruns. I almost started closing my eyes when I heard the faint sound of something lightly hitting the window outside. Curiously, I got up and peered through the blinds expected the only thing outside to be the falling rain, knowing that would be on its way soon. I was surprised to see when I looked down, Clover’s car in the driveway and the figure of a young man, leaning against the car. Startled by who I thought it was, I quickly opened the window, seeing my move, the shadow yelled up to my bedroom window, “Melissa, is that you?” “Yes, Taylor?” “How’d you guess?” “Clover’s car kinda gave it away,” I laughed. “Come down,” I whispered as the moon shifted and the light now shown over the blonde locks and his strong features. “Ok,” I mouthed down to him with a broad smile forming on my face. I quickly shut the window and in an urge of excitement, I quickly but quietly rushed down the stairs almost tripping several times. I choose to use the door out near the pool and walk around the side of the house so as not to make a lot of noise and wake up my parents, who would have immediately stopped me from leaving the house. As I peered around the side of the house, a raindrop softly fell on the tip of my nose. I saw the shadow and quickly ran to it, attacking him with kisses as the rain started to fall around up and we found ourselves in the midst of a heavy rain shower. However hard the rain fell, we didn’t stop. I never wanted to let go. As I clutched onto his soaked t-shirt feeling his hands move up and down my back and his soft lips touch mine, I felt as if nothing else mattered but him and me and that moment right then. “You’re soaked,” I whispered as I pulled away and looked into his passion-filled eyes. “So are you,” he laughed while brushing a wet strand of hair out of my face. “I love you,” he whispered. I smiled, kissed him once again and told him to come in out of the rain for a while. “I don’t wanna wake up your family. I just had to see you,” he whispered running a soft wet hand over my face. “I’m glad you came.” Releasing myself from his arms, I took hold of his hand and lead him in the direction from which I had emerge earlier. He followed as we entered the door and tiptoed up the stairs to my room. When we got back in the bright room and out of the dark hallway, the full effect of our midnight escapade was evident as we both stood, soaked to the bone and shivering. “Let me get you a clean shirt,” I said walking back out of the room and into my brother’s before entering again with a black t-shirt. “Thanks,” he said, taking off the soaked on clinging to his built body and muscular arms. As a watched, he stopped to stare at me. “What,” I laughed. “Nothing, I just can’t stop thinking about how lucky I am to know someone so beautiful.” With that, he moved closer and wrapping my arms around his bare shoulders and back, I kissed me before slipping the clean shirt over his head. After searching for a clean t-shirt for myself, I emerged from the bathroom seconds later with my blue “lulu’s oyster bar” t-shirt on. “So…” we both laughed. “What time is it,” he asked and I peered at the clock on the nightstand. “11,” I told him, then, “so, I’m guessing you snuck out.” “Yea, no one knows that I’m not sound asleep.” I laughed. “How long can you stay,” I asked. “Not long, actually. I don’t wanna risk someone coming in my hotel room and finding me gone.” “Yea, I can imagine that wouldn’t be good.” “No, not at all. Are you guys coming to the show tomorrow?” “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He laughed, “The sound check is at 11, I think. Ya wanna meet at the Fox at that time?” “Yea, that sounds great.” “Well, I should probably go.” “Yea, I’ll walk you out,” I told him as I felt his hand around my back and I reached for his hand again as we stumbled through the dark to the outside world below. When we reached the car again, I felt his arms encircle my waist once more and the warmth of his breath on my face. “So I’ll see you at 11,” he whispered. “Yea, “ I replied, then a few seconds later, “I’m glad you came, I was starting to miss your kiss.” He kissed me, and then whispering, “I gotta go. I love you,” he kissed me again. As he opened the car door, I held his hand until he let go to shut it behind him. He opened the window and reached out to pull me in for on last kiss, then waving goodbye, he sped up the driveway and into the darkness as I ran for shelter from the rain and approaching thunder.

Chapter 23