Bright Angel
Chapter 20

Taylor: As sunlight peaked through the pine trees in the backyard, I started to wake up and take notice of my surroundings and the blonde angel lying on my chest. I slowly rubbed my eyes and read the time on my watch, 7:30. Thoughts filled my mind. What would everyone think if they woke up and saw us together? What would her parents and my parents come to think of it, what would they think about this? I didn’t wanna know. I quickly came to the conclusion that I needed to get the beautiful creature upstairs and in bed before the whole house woke up, but I didn’t want to wake her. I stood up and slowly lifted her light body into my arms as she began to stir for a second then fall asleep again. I quietly made my way up the stairs, through the main level, up another flight of stairs, down the hall and into Melissa’s room. Hillary lie fast asleep as I set Melissa down, I saw her eyes open. “Go back to sleep, angel,” I told her as I kissed her blue eyes. “I love you,” she said, smiled then rolled over and allowed sleep to consume her once again. Before switching out the light and heading back to bed myself, I kissed her blonde curls and whispered, “I love you too.”
Melissa: My peaceful sleep ended abruptly at 9:30, when the radio came loud and clear over the alarm clock. Upon opening my eyes, I remembered the day before. What if it was just a dream? I hoped not. Hillary, being the closest to it, hit the snooze button and rolled over; relieved of the buzzing in my ear, I did the same. 30 minutes later the sound of giggling entered the room followed by “Zac,” yelled by none other than Hillary. When I rubbed my eyes to open them for a split second, I spotted Zac using a feather to tickle Hillary in an attempt to get her up. Zac’s scheme worked, however, her lack of sleep she took out on me. When she walked around to the other side of the bed, she lifted up the sheets, exposing my weary eyes to the sunlit room. “If I’m getting up,” she told me, “so are you.” I moaned in response and tried to fight her off. “Melissa, It’s 10 and if you don’t get up I’m do the same thing to you that Zac did to me. “Fine,” I yelled, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. “I’m up, I’m up,” I told her to get her off my back and I stumbled to the closet as Zac left the room. Shuffling through my summer wardrobe, I finally chose an outfit and got ready to greet the day. As I walked down the stairs in my faded blues jeans and orange camisole, I heard Taylor’s voice. “Yes mam…we’ll be home soon…yes, I will…bye.” I heard the phone click as I rounded the corner. “Good Morning,” I smiled at the sight of him standing next to the kitchen counter. He motioned for me to come closer and as he stooped down to give me a kiss, he whispered in my ear, “Good Morning.” I smiled, returned the kiss, and posed the question, “So what’s in the agenda for today?”

Chapter 21