Bright Angel
Chapter 15

Melissa: As we crossed the street and came to the lake, I couldn’t help but notice how clear the sky looked that night. It was as if there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and one could look up as the sky revealed all in heavens. “Ya’ll mind if we stop,” I asked them. “Why,” I heard Hillary’s whine from the back of the cart. “I wanna look at the stars, there’s a clear sky tonight.” “Go ahead,” she answered without even looking up from her sleeve that she seemed so interested in picking at. I parked the cart and without really even thinking I chose a dock to walk down. When I finally reached the end of the dock, I sat down hanging my feet over the end of the wooden plank and laid back to stare at the starry sky above. I closed my eyes for a second, listening to everything around me. Silence. I missed the simplicity in life, but in a way I strove to divert myself from that. For that moment, I lay in complete silence, listening to the wind blowing and the water softly patting the wooden legs of the dock below me. The silence was broken by footsteps and I opened my eyes revealing the little white dots in a thick blanket of black. “Its so quite out here,” I heard Taylor’s voice and made out his stunning features in the bright glow of the moonlight. “I love to come here sometimes when I’m upset and no one else is here. The beauty and serenity seems to be an escape from the real world.” “Yea, I know what you mean.” “I love starry nights, they’re pretty rare,” I tried to get off the subject of my problems for now. “When I was a kid,” I told him, ”I used to look for the brightest star at night and wish upon it.” “What did you wish for?” I sat up to face him. “What all little girls dream about, I wished for a prince charming, like in fairy tales.” I saw a smiled come to his face as he listened to me talk about my childhood dreams. “You’re so beautiful,” he said running his soft hand across my face as he pulled a lock of hair out of my face. I felt my face get warm from nervousness as he moved closer pulling us together. I felt his heartbeat as he wrapped his strong arms around my small frame and kissed my check softly. Our lips touched and emotion overwhelmed me. I remembered being told how love felt, with the butterflies and all, and as I started to become aware of it all, I started to think about that. When our lips parted, I heard him whisper, “I can hear your heart beating.” I reached up to kiss him again, but the moment was interrupted by the sound of Hillary’s voice, “Melissa, come on! Lets go!” As I turned to look, I caught a glimpse of Hillary standing in front of Zac, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. I smiled. Taylor let go of me, and taking my hand, we walked back to Hillary and Zac. As we walked off the dock, I took in one more glance of the moon hanging in the sky and the vibrant glow of light coming from each star.

Chapter 16