Bright Angel
Chapter 11

Melissa: We didn’t stay in the food court too long; instead we dumped our trays and made plans to split up again into the previous groups. “We’ll meet back up at 4:30, that’s when we have to leave. My mom wants us to check in with her at home at 5,” Clover spoke up before we separated again. “Ok, we’ll meet ya’ll back here at that time then,” I told her and saying goodbye, we went our separate ways. “Ok, where to,” Hillary asked me. I looked at everyone, “Is there anywhere you guys wanted to go.” “Not that I can think of,” was the reply. “Ok, then. Well, how about Neman Marcus since we’re already here.” “Um…Melissa,” Hillary cut in, “why don’t ya try something a little more…inexpensive.” “I’m not planning on buying anything in there. There’s no harm in looking. Plus, if I find something I’m dying to have, maybe I can save up some money and come back later,” I reassured her as we entered the department store and headed towards the second floor. I love Neman Marcus. Its always been like a heaven to me, filled with designer clothes I could only dream of owning. “Here we go again,” Hillary told them as I scanned the room picking up stuff to try on left and right. However much I love that place, I hate leaving it even more. Its hard leaving something you want so much but could never afford. “Don’t worry,” Hillary told me about my finds,” there will be a lot more that you like and in the future, you’ll have the money.” “I guess so,” I told her taking hold of Taylor’s hand and reluctantly leaving the department store. On the way out, we hit a few more stores, but 4:30 came upon us all too quick and the moment we dreaded too. “Well, do you wanna do something tonight,” Taylor asked me before turning around to go. “Sure” “What time will you be home?” “Well, maybe 6, we have to make a few more stops for stuff for my trip next week.” “Ok, I’ll call ya then,” he said sweetly. It hurt to let go of his hand, but I knew that sooner or later I’d have to. “Bye,” Hillary and I told them as they slipped around the corner and out of sight. “I could scream,” Hillary told me once they had left. “I know me too, who would have thought!” “Yea, I know. You and Taylor are so cute!” “Yea, What do you think of Zac,” I asked her as we walked down the mall and into a store where I had been eyeing a vintage looking t-shirt as we had passed earlier. “What can I say? He’s adorable, apparently single, hilarious, and sweet.” “Falling for him a bit?” “Not really, what do you think?,” she answered sarcastically. “I think you should go for it, ya’ll are so alike.” “I know its weird, isn’t it?” “Yep, sure is, but I wouldn’t let him slip away if I were you.” “I don’t plan on letting that happen,” she laughed, “So…you and Taylor Hanson are getting pretty close AND he wants to go out with you tonight.” I laughed, “I’m in shock.” “I bet you are, this is great.” We laughed as we walked out of the store and to the parking lot. “What do you say about running errands with me and then I take you home before Taylor picks me up? I want to show you a painting I just finished at home,” I asked her as I switched CDs in the car. “Ooo…Miss Artsyfartsy has a new painting to show me,” she said over the blaring radio as I laughed, “I’d love to.” As I put in a mix CD, I pressed my foot and on the accelerator and the car slowly made its way out of the parking lot and onto the street while Lonyo’s “Summer Of Love” played over the stereo system.

Chapter 12