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Eowyn, Lady of Rohan


1. This page is constantly under construction.
2. This page is meant to serve me and myself alone.
3. Any notes and commentaries you have are welcome as long as they consist mainly of words of praise.
4. Anybody who is not my personal friend: I don't know how you happened to land on this page. Please click here.


First launching of site (don't remember exact date):
I must admit that I'm not ready yet... so THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
I didn't know that it was going to be so hard to put here some basic information about me and that it would take such a long time. I do not know what to say, how to say it and where to stop, when I do not know who will be listening ;)
...and, mind you, I am one of the laziest beings around, so don't judge me on my homepage alone.
I know I could have done much more about it. But that's all for now.

09/08/00. Hey! I updated this site today! No kidding! Wowa... Never thought this would happen... Go see new pics and commentaries; some text changed, some links added - not so much, but anyway! :)

29/09/00. Well... What happens once, happens twice - go see new pieces of literature somewhere in the swamp - you can find two of Geo Milev's works and some poems from the Finnish folk poetry book "Kanteletar" which I passionately recommend.

12/05/01. I had decided to make it frequently but... well... :)
The "Favorites" section was added, hopingly it will serve me well.
By the way, in the meantime I added a poem by Romanian Dadaist poet Tristan Cara, translated in Bulgarian. It is very special for my brother and me.

Sept.01. Here it comes: new pictures, new .html - oslopics, nothing is organized as it should be, but it's here. I have decorated the site with some art pieces. Some experiments. Text changed in Idun.html .

Today's date: (in case I forget).

About Eowyn
About Idun

