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There are two songs on the Millennium CD with the lyrics "tell me why" in them -- "Show Me The Meaning..." and "I Want It That Way".

There's a street in Atlanta called North Carter Road, but on the sign they abbreviate it as N. Carter. The first time I saw it, the first thing I thought about was Nick (LoL). Only a Backstreet fan...

In school we have to take these stupid standardized tests. Well, last year, one of the questions was about a guy named Howie. This year, questions 31-45 on one of the tests were about a dude named Brian!!!! :)

Nick didn't have a date for the 1999 MTV Music Video Awards :o)

My math teacher, Mrs. Roman, always expects us to finish her sentences for her. So in the beginning of our third lesson, she started her sentence, "Now we're going to start learning about frac-" and she wanted us to say fractions, but the moment I heard it, I thought she was referring to FRACK as in Nick and I was like, "Woah!"

I was watching some special on MTV and the host asked Britney Spears which member of the Backstreet Boys she'd like to get down with. I don't know if the host realized that "get down" was the name of one of their songs, but I think Britney did because she laughed and said, "hehe, cute."

This makes me feel really stupid, but in 1997, my mom and I went to this auction and outside of it was a little section where kids could buy things. I found this really cute caboodle that was only $2.00! Inside were some free samples of shampoo, a hairbrush, lotion, baby powder, lip gloss, and of course, a sneak preview of Backstreet Boys' upcoming album, Backstreet Boys. I kept everything but the little cassette tape which I listened to once. (The songs on it were We've Got It Goin' On and Quit Playin' Games). I just found the little sheet of paper that comes with the caboodle which lists everthing that was inside. Now I'm kicking myself because that was a BSB collectible!

Listen closely to "Back to You Heart" (Millenium). At about 3:40, the boys start singing a verse in the background that can be heard in the left speaker:

"These arms of mine will open wide
From now until the end of time
You are my world, what can i do
This heart of mine belongs to you"

In my science class, we're learning about the heart and all I can do during class is think about Brian, especially when we start talking about heart murmurs and operations.

On MTV's "Diary" with Christina Aguilera, she drives to a Burger King, and you can see that the bag that she gets has "Backstreet Boys" written on it!

I went to the movies and there was a preview for a new movie called "Loser" and in it the guy asked his friends which BSB he would kill and he said the one with all the creepy facial hair(meaning our AJ) -

I was listening to Open House Party recently, and on the radio Howie called in. He was talking about the new album and he said that Nick is about 6'2" and Kev is 6'4"! He was home then and some of the guys were very busy with their weddings and everything. -

Pictures from the charity basketball game can be found at this site:
The all new 933FLZ.COM -

On the tonight show with Jay Leno on June 14, 2000 Jay Leno ask this smart 11 year old boy some questions one of the questions he ask was what was the first thing cloned? The boy answered sheep Jay said, "No, Nsync you know the scientist clone them from the Backstreet Boys." The boy did get the answer right Jay was just joking. - BSB princess

You can dress up your desktop computer with an exclusive BSB Wallpaper. The download is 100% FREE! Just Visit: -

I forget where I heard this, but on some TV show, this comedian said something about how great the Backstreet Boys were in concert. He said something like, "Yeah, their concerts are great. They come out in coffins in "Everybody" but unfortunately, when the coffins are turned around, THE BSB are there and they start singing." -

"Larger Than Life" was playing on the commercial for the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie. The announcer said that the adventure was "larger than life"! -

I was watching Total Request Live today for the first time in over 1 month and they happened to show some clips about the Oscars. During the clip, they showed Howie Dorough talking and he looked super cute in all black. He talked about how since the guys are always on tour and immersed in music, it was nice to be on the acting side of things. He sounded a little stuffed up, but he said he had a great time. They also showed cute Kevin at the show. The show also mentioned how AJ Mclean was kicking off his "Johnny No-Name" tonight and how it's just a side project starting tonight in LA. -

I don't know if you guys know this or not but at Nick's official web site LESLIECARTER.COM, or NiCKCARTER.COM in one of the section, he has an official chat room which his family chats in sometimes. PRETTY COOL! -

In the Sunday Star-Ledger there was a mini-magazine called the parade. In it, there was a question and answer section. One person asked "Who do you predict will follow in the high-heeled pumps of Britney Spears and Brandy to become the next teen musical cutie"? The editor thought it was Mandy Moore, and talked a little bit about her. He said "she had toured with the hot boy groups 'N Sync and Backstreet Boys, and had confessed to having a "big crush" on A.J of the Backstreet Boys." -

On MTV's WEBRIOT, the video was one of Limp Bizkit's. The question was, "which boy band gets bashed in Limp Bizkits outro from 'Signaficant Other'?" The choices were LFO, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, and 98 Degrees. It was, of course, the Backstreet Boys, and all three contestants got it right.

If you go to Leighanne Wallace's movie site, OLIVEJUICE.COM you'll notice they made a list of all the actors now in the movie. As of now, AJ Mclean and Brian Littrell have officially been added to the list. -

The game that went on today that could be viewed on 93.3 FLZ was a great game. Boys vs. Bucs ended up being a close game. Backstreet Boys ended up winning with a scored of 108 - 104. It ended up being the strongest players were Nick Carter and Brian Littrell. All proceeds went to benefit local charities. Nick after donated $20,000.00 and Brian donated $1,000.00 because he made a court shot. Then they auctioned the jerseys off for charity. - &

I was watching Mandy Moore's Spring Break-over and she was with Marlon Wayans. They were making over this guy who looked like Kid Rock and he wanted to look like "the blonde guy from the Backstreet Boys" because that's who his girlfriend liked. Then Marlon said, "Yeah, I wanna look like the guy with the big eyebrows" and they showed a picture of Kevin. At the end of the make-over, they played the "I Want it That Way" video. That was sorta cute.

On "POPULAR", Sam mentioned something she had read in Brooke's diary about Brooke wanting to "get down" with a Backstreet Boy.

On "Making the Video" with Eminem's "The Real Slim Shady", there were a lot of guys with blond hair and he shouted, "Backstreet Boys, NSYNC look-alikes! Ohmigod!" Then the director was talking about auditioning some of the NSYNC guys. LoL! Okay but then he was acting as a super hero and he was saying things like, "must get rid of Backstreet Boys and NSYNC and stop them from singing crazy love songs". Then he went on about how people catagorize him in the same catergory as the boy bands and the video's meaning is to set him apart from BSB and NSTINK.

On ABC's "The Making Of A Boy Band", one of the guys is really angry with the other guys because they're really messy and junky, so he says, "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely". The other guy is like, "What?" and the first guy starts singing, "Tell me why I live with a bunch of slobs."

BSB were featured in an answer on ABC's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire". The question asked which group had a piece of french toast that was auctioned on ebay? The answer of course, is *N SYNC, but the guy had to use a life line and the audience said BSB with the 2nd highest percentage. -

When I am buying something, and they have it in many different colors, I find myself always getting green because it is Nick's favorite color!

Whenever my friends and me are at the pool, we hold up our towels over our guy friends' bare chests and say, "Howard, censored!"

Whenever I hear "All Star" by Smashmouth, I always sing over the part that they say, "What's wrong with taking the back streets?" I always sing, "What's wrong with taking the Backstreet Boys?!"

I always sign my name with the same little smiley face Howie signs his with.

Whenever I'm singing "Quit Playing Games", I do that little wave thing Brian always does in the middle of the song.

When I signed my friends' yearbooks, I signed each one "Arianna Richardson" and I've been writing my name like that for a long time. At first it drove my teachers crazy, but by June, they got used to it!

When I'm online and leave to go do something, when I come back, I'll be like, "Ohmigod I'm back again!"

In math, we were getting our tests back and I did really back so I shouted, "Oh I blew it!" like Brian does on the Disney special. Everyone started laughing and have begged me to say it everyday since then.

If it weren't for the Backstreet Boys, I never would have started using "yall", "and you know", "thang", etc. I'm from Detroit and we don't usually say things like that!

I don't know why I do this... but I ALWAYS associate EVERYTHING with a BSB song. If someone mentions the word "lonely", I'll be off thinking about "SMTMOBL" and so on and so on. Also, I kiss my pictures of Brian every night and if I don't, I feel like something's missing. I also have to listen to at least three BSB songs a day.

I HATE football, but I sit down and watch any college game if Kentucky State is playing because of Brian & Kevin. They didn't even go there, but I have to watch it anyway.