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This photo provided courtesy of Jim Craig of Chicago, Illinois...

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Thank you for continuing on with Sunny's story...

But first I would like to share with you some advertisements that Sunny had posed for, these photos are provided courtesy of Jim Craig

This center piece is a real gem that Jim had found somewhere and donated to my family and Sunny's monument! Unfortunately as of now I don't have a very good digital camera to picture this with,

but when I do get one I'll retake the picture of this gem so one can view it better. Many such momento’s were made for Sunny, i.e. dolls, toys, etc...

I would be extremely interested in anything pertaining to Sunny in this manner, if you have anything of this manner please contact me!

Here are more advertisements that Sunny posed for,

these photos are provided courtesy of Tim Lussier...

You can visit Tim at his home page, 'Silents are Golden'...

When I was a child I remember watching a program called 'The Fractured Flickers'.

'The Fractured Flickers' was a really cleaver television show that aired during the late sixties and early seventies.

This television show was created by taking different splices of silent films and adding

in voice characterization. This show was hosted by the late Hans Conried. The voices were the same as 'The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show',

The Dudley Dooright Show' and 'The George of the Jungle Show'.

This was one of Jay Wards productions.

One night while watching 'The Fractured Flickers', I noticed several splices

from 'The Newlyweds & Their Baby' and Sunny McKeen!

I was very surprised to see anything from Sunny's series because I had always told by my Mother

and my Grandmother that when the family fault was opened several

years after 'The Newlyweds & Their Baby' had been filmed, sadly all the films had turned to dust.

But then yet, how could Jay Ward have obtained any of these films? I must have been misinformed...

If you may know of any of these films that could still be in existence, please let me know. I would be very interested in talking to you...

Throughout my life I've always been so fascinated in listening to the stories of both my Mother and my Grandmother.

However unfortunitely my Grandmother passed away when I was only twelve years old, therefore I really wasn't old enough

to take in all the vital information that I really wish I could have from this very fascinating person...

My Mother was very young when all of this was happening so her memory is very vague.

But, none the less, she too is very fascinating to discuss this with...

In this picture down here on the left is Sunny frolicking with President Calvin Coolidge accompanied with Utah Senator Reed Smoot on the White House lawn!

In this picture down here on the right is Sunny receiving the key to Philadelphia by Mayor General Price!

For such a young star Sunny was very talented and the really neat thing about him is he loved his lifestyle!

Sunny would be given ticker tape parades and he'd wave and blow kisses to all of his fans...

My Grandfather, Lawrence D. McKeen, Sr. was his director and absolutely loved working with Sunny.

They were literally inseparable! However, there were several headlines stating that Sunny did miss his sister, my Mother. My Mother didn't travel with Sunny and my Grandfather.

My Mother was given the chance in the movies. She played Spanky McFarland's baby sister in fourteen episodes of 'The Little Rascals' directed under Hal Roach,

but my Mother didn't workout with her career in the movies like Sunny did...

Now the thought that may cross ones mind is, "Is Sunny still continuing his talented career today"? Unfortunitely the answer to that question is no.

Sunny was taken from us as a very young child at the tender age of eight years old... He had contracted a blood disorder which he couldn't revive.

He is remembered by his family and friends... It is our sincere hope that his memory will be remembered by all who read this and please

tell your children about this once great child movie star and let his memory and talent live on...

Little Sunny McKeen and his father the director Lawrence D. McKeen is now laid to rest in Glendale California at Forest Lawn Mortuary.

Little Sunny's Mother's final resting place is in Bakersfield California.

If you'd like to visit their final resting places you can find them at 'Find a grave' web site.

Little Sunny is laid to rest at and little Sunny's Father, Lawrence David McKeen, Sr., director of several Stern Bros. Comedy silent films, is laid to rest at
and Sunny's Mother is at .

I would like to take this moment to thank some really great people for donating more that I could ever repay them for because they are just really nice people...

I wish to express my appreciation to Jim Craig of Chicago, without whom I can surely say this web page tribute wouldn't be nearly as interesting as it is...

Next, I'd like to extend my appreciation to A.J. Marik for all he has done to get Sunny and Grandfather

placed in 'Find a Grave'. His contribution will always be greatly appreciated... Please visit A.J. Marik at his very own home page...

Next, I'd like to extend my thanks and appreciation to Tim Lussier of 'Silents are Golden' web page.

His contribution has greatly educated not only myself but my family as well on my Uncle Sunny and his career...

Bye bye for now but we'll be adding and making better my very own home page. So please come back and visit often...

You also may find that our Australian friends certainly made their share of really great silent movies as well! Please check out some of their film trivia at the 'The Cinema Camilla'.

I you'd like to say hi or be a part of my fan club or just want to say anything then you'll have to contact my nephew Cody Simmons or sign my Guestbook which is located on the bottom of my first page...

Thanks for the visit!

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