Christina's Page

Hey, y'all! My name is Christina, and this is my page! :) I graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University in May, 2004, with my degree in French and English and a music minor. I am now working towards my M.A. in French at LSU. I'm halfway through! Yay!! :-) (One more year!) I love music, and my new computer is my baby. I also enjoy reading and cooking, as time allows, and spending lots of time with friends and family. :) Well, if you want to know just about anything else about me, I think you can find it on one of my pages, or you can e-mail me. See ya later!
Christina :)

"Friends are God's way of taking care of us."

Last Updated: Wednesday, June 29, 2005, 11:45 pm

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All About Me
My Tribute to Singledom
The Serious Stuff
Links to the Outside World
My Europe Page :)
Christina's Mailbox
A Lot of Miscellany
Picture Hub
