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Over the Rainbow

There are worlds we cannot see,
That exist in another reality.
Sometimes we catch a glimpse of these
of nymphs in water,
and elves in trees,
of nature spirits and many other
delightful sights.
So often beauty is right before us ...
within our grasp....
and we miss it each time.
Ever wonder why one looks
so hard to find that peace
in every other place?
The beauty is right there ...
before us ...

We can open our eyes and see it.
quiet sunset a crisp fall day
all gifts given along the way....
they can go undetected
how is it possible
to sit amid a view such as this...
and not feel the wonder of it all?

The beauty is manifested
before our very eyes...
These are just a few
of the wonders given to us ...

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Eros Applets All Rights Reserved
This web site was created by EROS applets
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A Special Thanks to "Swt Melode" for the graphics