Unicorns Enchanted Paradise
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Last Updated: Thursday, December 6th, 2000

Unicorns Enchant

Raised a head proud and white
Standing tall and true
Upon a fore head it shal be
And between two eyes of liquid
Sits a spiral magic straight and tall
Camanding respect from one and all

True to its name
And a legend till the end
The Unicorn still is
Alive in the hearts of all its friends
Never to bow down to another creature
Or fight a battle till the death
Only alive now in our hearts
Never stop believing
Or the Unicorn may
Never be a legend again

UPDATE: HEY EVERYONE! I AM SOO BACK! Okay, this is what happend, about a month and a half ago my computer got smacked by this HUGE bolt of lightning! So then we had our computer man working his hardest to get all our information out of it! But IT DIDNT WORK! We lost ALL memory on our old computer! Than, when we finaly got around to getting a new computer I went in for major appendectomy surgery! I.E: I had my appendix removed!
However, I am back, and feeling good!! I have new CUTE little scars! and am minus one body part! (go figure!)

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