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Egyptian mother goddess of time.

Japanese goddess of good fortune and beauty.

The Hindu Goddess of fortune, offers the promise of prosperity and beauty to all. As the divine manifestation of all forms of wealth she bestows her prosperity to all who offer her praise and offerings. In Indian Mythology, Lakshmi was born of the great Ocean of Milk. As she rose from the depths, The elephants wrapped her in Lotus and bather her in Water poured from Golden Vessels. Her beauty was enhanced by Lotuses that never fade. Lakshmi is so beautiful anyone who views her knows instant happiness.

Hebrew. Star Woman first bred with Adam. This would make her a goddess of Higher Intelligence or a representation of the Star People.

Egyptian. Goddess of Justice, Truth, Balance and Divine Order. As the daughter of Atum or Re, she was one of the first forces in the created universe, and helped to bring order out of chaos. Each Egyptian king was duty bound to honour and promote order and justice. She is the true balance of any situation. She plays no favorites and willl dispense justice to all parties involved. Be sure your slate is clean before you call her.

Ireland. "Crow"; "Battle"; "Great Queen of Phantoms"; Mother of Life and death; a war Goddess; Mother Death; originally a Mother Goddess; one of the aspects of the triple Morrigu. Also called Mania, Mana, Mene, Minne. Associated with ravens and crows. She was also honored during Lugnassadh. After a battle, the Irish would cut off the heads of the losers and called them Macha's acorn crop. Protectress in war as in peace; Cunning, sheer physical force, sexuality, fertility, dominance over males.

Inca rain and sea goddess.

Muse of tradgedy.

Celtic/Irish Goddess of Battlefields and Death. A pre-celtic moon goddess, her symbol is the raven. Her aspect is the dark moon and she is a death goddess and a very powerful deity.

Greek. 9 sisters of springs, memory, and inspiration.

The queen of all the Gods and the wife of all living things. She was the wife of Amon, and she is usually depicted with the head of a vulture.

A Goddess of war. She was the wife of Nuada, the leader of the Tuatha de Danann. She formed, along with Badb, Macha and Morrigan, one of a group of war deities often seen in the forms of ravens or crows above battlefields.

Goddess of the North of Egypt, protector of the king. One of the oldest attested Egyptian deities; her characteristic headgear became the 'red crown' of the kings of Egypt. Neith may have been originally a goddess of hunting, but warfare was also in her sphere. She was a goddess of the living world, of power and politics. Her emblem appears to be two arrows crossed behind a shield. In early examples, though, the shield can clearly be seen to be two elaterid or 'click' beetles, end to end, with arrows crossed behind them. Long after the Pyramid Age, a story was written crediting her with the creation of the universe.

Nemesis was a goddess in mythology that made sure no criminals escaped punishment. She stood for justice, and the word nemesis now stands for the word "retribution" which means deserved punishment or reward.

Egyptian. Goddess of Surprises, Sisters and Midwives.

Vulture-goddess of Upper Egypt. Nekhbet is a mother goddess who protects the king. She represents the White Crown of Upper Egypt, which she sometimes wears. By the Fifth Dynasty, she became associated with royal women; the king's great royal wife wears a vulture headdress.

African creator goddess who shot life into man and animals with arrows.

Ireland. "Beauty"; "Brightness". Helps heroes at death.

Greek Goddess of Victory. Her animal is the Lynx.

Celtic. The three sisters of the Wyrd. Responsible for weaving fate - past, present, and future.

Chinese creator goddess. Had a woman's body down to the waist and a dragon's tail. Mediator between men and women, inventor of marriage, provider of children, tamer of wild beasts, and teacher of the civilize sciences such as irrigation.

Egyptian Sky Goddess/Mother. She was the wife of Geb, and daughter of Shu and Tefnut. her five children are Osiris and Isis, Nephthys and Seth, and Horus the Elder

Goddess of the Night

African Goddess

Hawaiian and Polynesian fire and volcano goddess. Creator and destroyer qualities.

Kore; Greek Goddess of Spring, was abducted by Hades and became Persephone, Queen of the Underworld.

Muse of mimic art.

Queen of Elphame:
Scottish Witch goddess.

Phoenician moon goddess.

Greek Cretan Universal Mother or Great Goddess. Supreme Queenof Heaven; Great Goddess; The Mother. Goddess of plant life and fertility; inventor of the arts and magick. Her Plant is Myrrh.

Wales; "The Great Queen" Goddess of birds and horses. Enchantments, fertility, and the Underworld. She rides a swift white horse.

Ireland, Scotland. Also known as Scath, Scota, and Scatha. "Shadow, shade"; "The Shadowy One" "She who strikes fear" Underworld Goddess of the Land of Scath. Dark Goddess; Goddess in the destroyer aspect. Also a warrior woman and prophetess who lived in Albion (Scotland) probably on the Isle of Skye and taught the martial arts. Patroness of blacksmiths, healing, magick, prophecy, martial arts.

Egyptian Goddess of Destruction and Healing; depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness, wife of Ptah and mother of Nefertem and she was the daughter of the sun-god, Re. In the Age of the Pyramids, Sakhmet was sometimes shown embracing the king, breathing divine life into his nostrils.

Greek. Goddess of the Moon and Solutions. Appeal to Selene to bring a logical answer to any problem. She was the sister of Helios. She was either the daughter of Hyperion and Theia or of Zeus and Leto. In many myths, she was confused with the goddess Artemis. Selene fell in love with Endymion, a handsome shepherd. Many nights, Selene would stop in her trip across the sky to talk and be with Endymion. Zeus was bothered because Selene was failing in her duties. Zeus gave Endymion a choice between death or eternal sleep. He chose the last one and is still asleep in a cave on Mount Latmos today.

Irish and British Medieval. An ancient mother goddess.

Nordic Goddess of the grasslands, wife of Thor.

Japanese wind goddess. prayed to for good harvets and venerated by sailors and fishermen.

Muse of lyric poetry and dance.

Goddess of moisture. Daughter of Atum, wife of Shu. She is one of the goddesses who can be called The Eye of Re. She can be shown as a woman with the head of a lion.

Muse of comedy.

T'ien Hou:
Chinese Empress of Heaven. Widely worshipped in Hong Kong and with some of the Chinese.

Aztec. Beautiful goddess of love, fertility, healing, divination, magic, and the earth.

One of the most popular Goddesses of the ancient world was the Greek Goddess Tyche (tie-kee), (known as Fortune by the Romans). Often propitiated as the Goddess of Good Luck, Tyche was in a larger sense the Goddess of Destiny, or Karma. Whenever people were about to undertake a risky or uncertain venture, they would pray to Tyche to send them success. A Patron Goddess of the tarot Deck, Tyche's Symbol the 'Wheel of Fortune" or Rota Fortuna, is Card #10. Tyche Fortuna was also known as Agape Tyche or Bona Fortuna (Good Luck). In later centuries, She was called Dame Fortune.

Muse of astronomy.

Scandinavian. Women warriors who carried the souls of men slain in battle to Heaven/Summerland.

Originally a roman goddess of spring and protectress of vegetation and gardens until she became assimilated into the Greek Aphrodite.
Correspondences: topaz, cat's eye, rose, myrtle, clover, mallow, lynx, sparrow, swan, dove, bull, lion.

Roman goddess of fire. She presided over the hearth and over preparation of meals. She had a shrine that contained a sacred fire attended by vestal virgins.
Correspondences: black diamond. Indian hemp, orchis root, thistle, goat, ass(that donkey looking animal), -greek equivalent-Hestia.

A roman Goddes who was originally a protectress of the woods and fields. Later she was converted into a military Goddess symbolising success. Affiliated with the Greek goddess Nike.

Cobra goddess of Lower Egypt. She is one of the king's protectors. It is she who rears up over his brow on the royal crowns and headdresses. As the Uraeus, she has the power to blast the enemies of the king.

White Lady:
Known in all Celtic countries. Dryad of death; indentified with Macha; Queen of the Dead; the Crone form of the Goddess. Death, Destruction, annihilation.

Aztec Eve. Moon goddess of flowers, love, marriage, art, singing, dance, spinning, and weaving.

The Yakshis:
Hindu female nature and tree spirits who love to sing and dance, except they have a reputation for devouring children.

Gnostic "life".

Slavonic warrior goddess. Protectress of warriors.

Zorya Utrennyaya:
Slavonic dawn goddess.

Zorya Vecherynyaya:
Slavonic sunset goddess.

(Excerpts taken from "The Witches Goddess" by Janet and Stewart Farrar. Phoenix Publishing Co. 1987. And "To Ride A Silver Broomstick" by Silver RavenWolf Copyright 1993.)