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Have you noticed?...Cuz I Did...

This is not *COMPLETELY* dedicated to just Danny...sorry baby! I STILL LOVE YOU THOUGH!!! =) But I got the idea to do this section, cuz my freind G and I were watchin' NA tapes last night...HA HA HA! We had a blast...GAWD it was great! HA HA HA! Read on to see what I'm talkin' about. But NEwayz... try not 2 laugh 2 hard...=)

1.) Eric looks soooooo funny when he crouches down and starts to jerk his head back...LOL G! We love ya though boy!

2.) himself ALOT...Yummmmyyyyy! =)

3.) Tommy starts singing to Ricky at the end of 'What I wanna do' in Great Pretenders...we know you want him Tommy, but you CAN'T HAVE HIM!

4.) Is it just us,but isn't Eric completely sexamatastic with that thing in his chin? GAAAWWWWDDDD! Ahhh! We LLLOOOVVVEEEEE the eyebrow ring too hun! =)

5.) Ricky blows kisses a lot to the crowd...awwww..whatta a sweetie.

6.) On Great Pretenders, after Danny struts down the cat walk and comes up on Eric. He starts having convulsions...GAWD! He pokes his whole upper body out and starts shaking and looks like he's convulsing or something... lol my best friend and I broke the tape cuz we watched it so much...

7.) Eric is soooo funny...He busts out into his own lil a lot...too QT!

8.) Danny knows he has freckles on his ass? What????? LoL! I heard that in an NA chat...obviously the boy has been lookin'...but DAYYYUUUMMM if I looked that good, I'd be lookin' at myself too! LoL! J/k

9.) No matter what, Danny and Eric ALWAYS seem to be next to each other in most pictures in Teeny bopper mags...yes...I still buy them and I'm 16 years old...can't help it.

10.) When they line up in the beginning of Great Pretenders and Ricky says "Hey...Hey baby" and Eric and Danny are holding onto Ricky's Eric's hand... He slides it off and kinda pushes Ricky's cute.

11.) They always look seductive...they have sex on the brain...ha ha ha! VERY NAUGHTY!!!

12.) Tommy sticks out his tongue! HELL-O?! You are NOT Justin Timberlake...there for you cannot stick out your tongue. Keep it in yo mouth boy! LoL! j/k I think it's sexy...=)

13.) When Eric starts to sing he always touches his chest and looks down at the crowd and gets the *CUTEST* grin on his face...ahhhh whatta babe!

14.) Danny's so cute when he dances...he gets a smirk on his face...and u know he's thinking "I am it! Oh yeah!" LoL!ahhh!

15.) K---at the end of Great Pretenders...there is a chick over by Ricky and he starts to do these pelvic thrusts and her head is like RIGHT in his crotch...Not litterally but it sure as hell looks like it...and then he starts to "hump" the air...and it looks like he's humping her face! LMFAO...It was great...ahahahahaha....! G noticed that first... I didn't see it until we put it in slow be terrible G!

16.) When Tommy busts out at Great Pretenders in his lil rainbow thing...this blonde chick, touches Tommy, and she runs her fingers through her hair...LoL! It was cute! GET SOME GIRL! =)

17.) Tommy *ehm* drags his hand up his...well ya know... on All That...k-- watch when Danny is doing his *NAUGHTY* rap... and look behind him and watch Tommy...he does it really quickly...slow mo is

18.) Eric does some pretty kinky stuff with his lips... all I gotta he knows how to use that dat thing... who eva gets dat boy...wooo girl, all I gotta say is u betta share wit me and G!

19.) K---all I gotta say about NA and their dancing is... and I have always said this...and u can ask NE of my friends...but NO *VIRGIN* (Keyword: *VIRGIN*) can move like that! It's obvious that they have been practicing... and they can practice on us NEtime! Ha ha! Right girlies? (LOL SIKE! NA if ya ever stumble over this...ya gotta do move please don't get offended! Love ya! =)

20.) Up and Down. Okay---um...HI! What are they thinking about? Don't you guys know better than to tease us like that?

21.) Is is just me...or is Ricky like the biggest flirt ever?

22.) Tommy has the bluest eyes I've ever seen, MY GAWD THE BOY IS FRICKIN HOT!

23.) Eric...wooo that boy is like everything he says is sexual...well actually---all of them are like naughty boyz...wahoo!

24.) Ricky kisses all the *CUTE* girls...

25.) Ricky calls people sweetie all the time...ah it's so cute...

26.) When Eric jumps off the's hilarious, he looks like he's about to pounce on he's a cat or sumptin...

27.) When NA sings to their audience...ahhhhhh!

28.) Ricky likes to touch himself...AHHHHH! Don't tease me dammit!

29.) Eric likes to sit on people...especially ...DANA! LoL!

30.) Ricky always sits in front of the van!

31.) In "Don't Get Better" Dannys whispers "Smile for Me" after Ricky sings "Showed me this with only a smile."

32.) There are random pig sounding noises in the beginning of "Make You Dance"...LoL!

33.) In Eric's pictures he has a loop in instead of a bar...

34.) Danny constantly changes his raps in "What I wanna Do"...

35.) Danny has a thick, chunky leopard print bracelet.(I have 1 too!)

36.) Ricky and I have the same necklace! Thanks 2 Rissa's pix from the LBC appearance I got 2 see it! Wahooo! It's like 1 of those Jamaican shell necklace things!

37.) During "Never Had A Lover" you can hear Danny really well because he's low. (He's the really low sexy voice)

38.) In "Thinkin'" There are *A LOT* of things going on at listed what I could pick up!: -NA's playin in the background of the phone thing -Some1 says "You know where it's at"... -Random mmm hmm's are like everywhere...(first 1 starts 47 secs into the song) -"Don't Know what to do..." echoes...(55 secs into song) -"No Authority sing it for the ladies..." (3:04 into the song) -"No Authority in the house..." (3:30 into the song) -Random 'I'm feeling that' (3:31 into the song) -Danny makes yummy noises...and I quote 'uh uh uh ah' LoL! -Danny says "Cha cha cha chicka, cha cha cha chicka, cha cha cha" at the end...(3:59 in the song)

39.) "Can't Go on" sounds similar to "All I Have To Give" by the BsB...

40.) "Mastered by the Herb powers" is in the cd booklet under where it says "No Authority is"...what kind of herbs? LoL Jk!

41.) The guys play shot

42.) What the hell is a tresa, Tommy?

43.) Some tracks were recorded at "Finger Lickin Good Music" NA is finger lickin good! (LMAO at Julia! "I have chocolate frosting all over my fingers! I'm typing with my pinky's!"..."Lick it off like it's Tommy!")

44.) Carla and Starr are related! Ah! I didn't know that!

45.) NA thanks the street the CD booklet...

46.) In Tommy's pix you can see the veins popping out of his arms! Holy moly! Yummy!

47.) You can see his NA tattoo in his individual pix. (It's the top 1)

48.) Ricky wears his blue contacts and his saggitarius necklace...

49.) All of the guys except Ricky are wearing a type of "earring"...

50.) In the bottom pic of Danny's individual shots, Danny has a random blonde streak on the side, like right in the front. (It's cute though!)

51.) You can see Danny's veiny arms and his ripped tummy and the veins in his hands in his individual pix. (I can remember just staring at his arms on May 4th...omg...they are so frickin hot!)

52.) You can see the lil bone in Dannys shoulder...

53.) Danny's wearing black boxers...

54.) Tommy's blue streaks look really phat!

55.) You can see Tommy's "TMC" tattoo on the cover...

56.) All the guys wear a jacket in their individual shots except for Tommy.

57.) They all wear jackets on the back of the cd though...

58.) There are 3 pix of each guy in the individual pix, except Ricky, he only has 2...

59.) Danny, Tommy and Ricky have part of their faces in 1 part of their photos, but Eric does full face or body shots...(Break out the Tequila and salt! LoL! Lisa!)

60.) I think Ricky is wearing a Levi jacket cuz u can see the lil red strip on the pocket...

61.) Ricky is the only 1 who is wearing a watch...

62.) Eric is the only 1 who smiles in the individual pix...

63.) Eric is wearing cute silver rings on his fingers...Finger lickin good babee!

64.) Tommy is wearing a braclet on his arm and a gold ring on his left.

65.) On All Access Backstage W/ Britney, they show the NA symbol when they interview her "ultimate" fan...

On Much Music...

66.) Tommy talks with his hands...

67.) It's cute when Eric is telling the story about how Ricky acted when he met MaDonna! LMFAO! I was rollin cuz he's like "She's here...she's here."

68.) The underwear story Eric tells...and how he's "pretending" to hold out the that was funny! Who ever u are girl...good job! LoL!

69.) The story bout the jacket Ricky signed and Tommy and Danny start imitating the mom...And Danny throws up his hands "Noooo!" LoL! That was way cute stuff!

70.) Ricky says "MaDonna for President!" LoL!

71.) When they start talking about "Making The Band" and Eric gets that sad look on his face and he's like "It's very hurtful..." He is sooo adorable...ah I could have just like jumped in the TV and hugged him right then.

72.) When Ricky throws up his hands and says "We love punk! Don't get us wrong!"

73.) Danny just nods and kind of zones out...

74.) Julia...who owns F.A.I.T.H.F.U.L.L.Y, is right behind Danny with the disposable camera. GO JULIA!

75.) Danny chuckles...teehee it's cute!

76.) Eric get's the cutest lil boy face when he says, "''s my trucks name..." And he gets this look in his eyes...*SIGH* Whatta a cutie!

"Can I Get Your # Video...

77.) When Tommy sings "I've had a crush before, but this just ain;t the same..." watch Eric...he puts his arm around Danny.

78.) When Ricky sings "Cuz I've never fallin in love before..." watch Eric cuz he does this funny thang with his shoulders and makes a face.

79.) Both of the cars look exactly the same except 1 is black and the other is silver...

80.) Ricky and Danny drive...

81.) Tommy and Danny are in the silver car...

82.) Eric and Ricky are in the black car...

83.) When they use the stage as a's way phat!

84.) The chicka's that end up being the bikers are the same 1's that are on the rocks with them...

85.) Is it just me, or does Danny look extremely sexy when he points to the camera and says "Yes you are!"

86.) When Ricky sings "If you were on display..." watch Tommy cuz he does this cute lil dance with his hands.

87.) The part where all the chicka's are laid out on the beach...HELL-O? Flashback from the thong song... LoL I wanna see NA on the beach half nekked not the chicka's!

88.) The pelvic thrusts are lookin hella fine!

89.) When they show the guys on the beach on the second chorus and Danny points 2 the camera and says "Seen a girl like you"... *DIES 10x*

90.) When Danny sings "Hit me baby..." *GOES INTO CARDIAC ARREST*

91.) Tommy throws his arms out when they go towards the bikers like he's gonna stomp some ass for trying to kill them on the road!

92.) When they use the helmet as a screen...very cute stuff!

93.) Ricky's facial expression when the chicka takes her helmet off...omg it cracks me up everytime.

94.) That girl that's with shimmy's up and down him...Bitch better back the freak right Rissa and Cristina?

95.) They point to the chicka's they're dancing with when they say "I've seen blondes and burnettes and some really hot read heads..."'s way cute!

96.) When they slow down the tempo and show the shots of the guys through the "clear" looks like a bird shit on the top...LMFAO that was the funniest thing ever!

97.) Hell-o ever hear of Mop & Glow?

98.) When they all run to the the camera at the end it's completely adorable, cuz Danny grabs Ricky, and Tommy runs smack into him, then Eric pounces on him... I told u guys he likes to jump on people...DANA! LoL!

99.) When Danny starts waving his arm in the air at the end when they say "Even all around the world..." I can soooo see him waving his draws in the!

100.) Tommy topples over in the sand and Danny starts laughing and points to the camera... 101.) Eric looks like he's smacking the camera at the end...

102.) Ricky tags chicka's hands when they are on stage...

103.) When they show the last beach scene shot, Tommy points to the camera and then Ricky pushes his hand out of the way...and sings the last line...

104.) Eric and Ricky do these hand thangs at the's pretty cute!