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Girl Like Me...

Here I am before prom with my gorgeous boyfriend Matt!

Name: Kristy DeeAnne <~That's my middle I'm gonna give muh last name out on the internet! Pssshhhhh! LoL!

Nick Names: Cricket, Kitten, Kritty Kat, Genie...(Every1 I know says I look like Christina Aguilera! Haha! So that's why they call me that) Or they say I look like Tara Reed or whatever the crack her name is!

Birthday: 10/10/83 at 10:10, perfect 10 baby! =)

Age: 17...ahhh I'm sooo old! LoL...

Sign: Libra chicka hea!

Parents: Sammy and Ginger

Siblings: Mindy 12, Sammy 4, And Ashley 3.

Pets: Lilly my kitty cat! Jake my lab down at my Daddy's house and Winnie at my Grandma's house! =)


Drink: Fire Snapples,Coke and Iced tea! Uh! It's very rare that you'll find me in the morning without 1 of the 3 in my hand!

Food: Oh love seafood. Crabs(Not that kind... ewww! LoL!) lobster, scallops,'s all I eat in the summer, cuz my Dad lives on the beach, so we get all that stuff for free, cuz he's friends with like every1. Salad is sooo good too. YUMMY!

Ice cream: I'm a mint choc chip's been my fav since I was real lil...hehehe! I remember my Papa (Grandfather) would take me to Hi's (It's a convinent store)and I would go in there in my night gown, and get a cone of mint choc chip every saturday night. =)

Candy: Twizler nibs...yummy! =) Did u know, that those make guys horny? LoL! That's what some chicka told me back like in 7th grade! I've never looked a twizzler quite the same! LoL! Just joshin ya! And Ice Breakers gum. YUMMY! Ahhh! HAWAIIAN PUNCH LOLLIPOPS GEORGIA! AHHH! They are soooooooo good!

Color: Orange! My room is orange...

Place: Panama City Beach...uh! I love it there! It's like the best place eva! Especially when I'm with my cousin! Cuz we pick up guys like mad crazy! Hehehe! Were crazy!

Car: I want a black Eclipse...=)

Magazine: Teen, Teen People, YM, Seventeen...ya know... all those trendy magazines...=)

Expression/word: I say all the time! And like, crazy, sick...spiffy...SEXAMATASTIC!!! AHHH! Hehehe!

Band/group: NO AUTHORITY!!! AHHHHH!!!!! I LOVE THEM! AHHHH! Hehehe! I love BsB and N sync too...even though I have some...problems with BsB at the moment...but it's all good.

Why do you love them?: Cuz NA is so real. They are in tune with their fans, and thats awesome,because u never see anyone as dedicated to the fans as them. Plus, they can *ACTUALLY* sing and the same time! I know this sounds crazy, but oh well, I'm gonna say it, I feel like they're friends, and not some big pop group. Cuz they I said REAL PEOPLE!

Song: Everything NA...My God! They sing everything like perfect! I lovvveee "I'm Telling You This" Ah! It's my song...And "Beautiful Girl" My gracious! I have my reasons 4 loving that song! I cried the first time I heard it...and "FaithFully" Mucho props 2 da NA boyz for that 1! "Thinkin" AHH! DANNY'S RAP! WAHOOO!!!! =) "Give It To You" By Jordan Knight... "Get Naked" By Limp Bizkit, "What You See Is What You Get" By Brit, "He Loves You Not" By Dream, "Genie in a bottle" and "Come On Over" Ahhh! That video is sooooo crazy, By muh girl Christina! "I wanna Know" by Joe! I love that kid! Wahoo!! (It's muh Ricky song!) "Car Wash" cuz it's my Eric song! *SIGH* "Thong Song" Go Tommy! LoL! I loveeeee OTown too! ASHLEY ANGEL BABY!!! AHHH! They showed that fine lookin mofo up in the shower! LoL..."Baby I would" and "All for Love", "The Real Slim Shady" everything NKOB! "If" and "Doesn't Really Matter" by Janet Jackson, "Straight Up" by Paula Abdul, "Cold Hearted Snake", "The Final Episode", "Hot Spot", "Try Again", and like a ton of others! =)

CD: Keep on and No Authority! Hehehe! =)I play them in the morning when I'm getting ready for school, when I'm doing my homework, In Dana's car all the time, When I'm sleeping, when I'm eating...sometimes even when I'm trying to watch TV...ohhh and working on my page! And lets not 4get when I'm bustin' a move...hehehe!

Thing to do: Chill with my chicka's: Jen, Kelly and Danielle...4C's 4-eva baby!!!! Stalking NA and other celebrities w/ Dana,"Cleaning up the rain" w/ Ashlee or AshBaNash! Hehehe! Go 2 the beach, Picking up random guys with Tessa, COLOR GUARD BABEE! WOOT WOOT! Jet skii...cuz I am da bomb diggity...hehehe! Dance...god I love to dance, I'm alwayz bustin' out in the class, in the mall...lmao in Claires when "Bye Bye Bye" came on in the back of the store with Dana! HAHAHA! That was great! Harrassing *NSYNC fans with Julie! LoL! We are soooo bad! Spending time with the Fam..cuz I love my siblings...they're so cutie! =)

First date: Oh was so cute. Okay--check it out, my cousin and I were chillin on the beach down in Panama City Florida. And we were playing in the water when it started getting dark, well---these guys, took our seats where we had our stuff sitting, well my camera anyways...okay well. They kept on turning around and staring at we walked over and sat in other seats about 4 down from they start walking over to us, and we start talking ya know... well anyways...we get to know them,(And their names are Robert and Kory...their both from Quincy Illnois...I love ya both! LoL!) and they came back in the morning, and we all hung out and crunk--- we had a lot of fun! Okay well...NEwayz...they asked us to go out to dinner with them that we did. They took us to this restraunt and there was a band and stuff, and Robert (He's a sweetie!) Asks me to dance with him...(it was so cute! Cuz he was all shy about it! Hehehe!) NEwayz... we order and everything...and we start having a food fight at the table, my cousin Shana chucks something across the table at Robert...and he falls out of his seat and breaks the chair. ( It was one of those plastic white chairs you can buy at wal-mart) was after dinner...we walked on the beach... so...that's my first date...and I'll never forget it, and I'm really glad I got to share it with Robert, because he's such a sweetie...=)

Friend: I love all my sista's for different reasons! Dana...cuz she's like my big sister, and takes me to all the concerts! Ashlee, cuz she is the most fly girlie u will ever meet, she cracks me up, I don't think I've ever been around her and have not been laughing! She's soooo funny! Plus she took up for me when Danielle the phsycho was trying to stalk me! "What are you? A dyke?!" LMAO! Your sooo bad Ash! Cindy, cuz she cracks me up. Tessa cuz she's really sensitive, and she's really good to talk to and she's like the best chicka dancer ever! You Go Girl! LoL Remember the split pants?! "THONG THONG THONG!" LMFAOROF! Lisa, cuz she's so nice and sweet, she goes out of her way 2 make every1 happy even if it means she has to sacrafice something for herself, *AND* it's so cutie how she's in love with JC. LoL *PP* Hehehe! Kelly, cuz she thinks exactly like me when it comes 2 guys! LoL! We have a blast we have the best *N sync and NA fantasy's ever! Hehehe!

Website: Mine cuz it's *NAUGHTY*!

Brand: Roxy babee! I love Roxy...It's like all I wear. And lemme just make something *VERY* clear about this whole, "You have to be a surfer/skater to wear Roxy and Billabong!" HELL-O! I'm not trying 2 surf or skate, I'm not trying to be everything I'm not! And I can wear whatever I want, because I paid for it! Soooo nahhh! And plus no1 can rock Roxy like G and me! So bite me!

Shoes: My Roxy sandals, My Skechers, my "Fred Durst" Adidas! And my brown boots, cuz they're chunky...and their soooo CUTIE!!! Yeah yeah!

Accessories you can't live without: Lip gloss. I will die if I don't have lip gloss, because lips are soooo sensuous, and I don't want mine looking all crusty. Matt hates my lip gloss...=*( Glitter. I'm like the glitter/sparkle goddess. LoL...I even get teased for it sometimes by guy friends... but it's all good! My orange Roxy tide's mad crazy cute stuff! It's ORANGEEEEEEE!!!! Joy! Hehehe! My yellow Roxy watch, it's so adorable...I love it! And when I get nervous, I twist the timer on the top, and it makes this clicking noise...hehehe I drive peeps nuts with that thing!!!

Idol: Christina Aguilera. Cuz she's sooo real. (Besides the fact that she bleaches her hair blonde...) And she's really talented. She doesn't try to be everything she isn't. And I really think she's a wonderful role model for girls today, because she's positive, and she's upbeat. And I think that it's great that she's putting herself out there, for other girls to look up to, cuz there is so much bull crap in this world. There are sooo many sell outs, like Britney Spears, who are only in the business for the money, and not for the love of the art. Oh yeah---and I wrote an article to the paper about Christina if u wanna see what I wrote...e-mail me and I'll send ya the article.

What do you look for in the opposite sex: happened. Kristy fell in yes...and no it's not's Matt...and I swear 2 GAWD...he's everything that I've ever wanted. And I wrote this before I met here's what I wanted..."Oh my... there is sooo much that I look for in a guy.I think that's why I'm sooo picky about who I like. Self confidence is so sexy to me. A guy, who can walk around without his shirt on...and be like hell yeah I know I look good...that is just...oh god, sexy! LoL! They have to be smart...I don't want no dummy! Hehehe! Some1 who's sensitive...and they have to sing to me...hehehe! Guys, even if you can't sing, it's still really sweet if you try...I think it's adorable. Humor. Humor is a big thing to me. You can ask any1 who knows me, I'm constantly having a good laugh...I love to laugh, it's so much fun, and I want some1 who can laugh with me. I don't want some1 who's gonna try and be "prettier" then me, so to speak! And I want some1 who I can eat a cheeseburger and french fries with at Mickey D's and isn't gonna give me BS afterwards!" yeah that's Matt 2 a! =)

Innie or outtie: Eh...I'm kinda both! I have my lil clique...but I'm also kinda outtie...cuz I have my own style...and I know some people don't like it, cuz I do my own thing, and I don't worry about what other people think...atleast I try to anywayz.

Best advice ever given: "Take it like a grain of salt." means, don't worry about the lil stuff, worry about the important stuff, and if u can't change it, it's gonna be okay. LMAO! Julia...."Stay away from orange cows and fat teenyboppers who don't wear bra's, they're all out to get you!" Hehehe!

Do you get along with your parents?: Eh...who doesn't argue with their parents? I know I do...but I mostly argue with with my mom cuz shes a walking talking permanent case of PMS. But my Dad's cool. He acts like he's 16, so it's all good. And he's actually got style and expensive taste, the only thing he does that gets on my nerves, is he gets up waaayyyy early on weekends, and he's loud in the morning, so that usually means that I can't sleep...but it's all good!

What do u want to be when u grow up?: Actually, I've been thinking about this a lot here lately. I'd REALLY like to go on tour and be a back up dancer! That'd be really sweet! Cuz then I'd get to do what I love...and that's performing! =) And if I can't do that, then I alteast wanna be around people who do entertain, if I can't! So I'd like to go to school for entertainment management!

Most prized possesion: My family. I love them so much, and they have been there for me when I've needed them the most, especially my Grandma! MUCH LOVE GOES OUT TO HER! Because she's strong, she believes in herself, and she doesn't let what others think or do, change her, and she takes things as they come. She never lies, and I totally respect that, because most people sugar coat everything they say...and thats not cool, tell me like it is.

Pet Peeve: Liars. UGH! I hate them! They are sooo terrible, and Catty girls. And when I say that, I mean, girls that are nice to your face, but talk crap behind your back. And hoochies! ACK! They're sooooo nasty!

Most mortifying moment: LOL! Oh gawd...hehehe! Okay---my freshman year, it was like the second day of school, and I was walking off the bus, and I turned around to say something to my friend Tommy, and when I did, I slipped down the stairs, and fell in a pot hole, right on my ass! OMG! It was sooo funny! And the worst part was, there were cars behind the bus, and the people in the cars, got out and asked me if I was okay... yes, I am!Okay---I was practicing my NA move... ya know when Danny and Tommy squat down,and Ricky and Eric do a fan kick on top of their leg, well---I was wearing jeans, and I went up into the kick and when I did, they split right in the back...LOL! It was sooo funny, cuz Dana turns around and gets the funniest look on her face, "Like what the hell was that" and then I realized and I started screaming, and I ran and sat down, and Kim, she was doing the flag routine right behind me, was litterally on the floor was sooo funny! Okay---BUT THEN when I was PERFORMING and I went up into that move, my partner, STANDS UP while I'm in mid kick and I fell off of her, and fell backwards right on my butt, and slid across the gym floor...and my shoe left a skid I twisted my ankle...but I finished the routine! The show must go on!

Bad habits: Oh probably listening to my music so loud, I drive my Grandma nuts with it, being sarcastic,I constantly have a smart ass remark on the tip of my tongue. =)

Something u wanna learn: I wanna learn how to surf! Ahhh! LoL...cuz I love the beach, I'm always on the boat, fishing, tubing, jet skiin', wakeboarding, all that good stuff, and my Dad said he's gonna teach me this summer, so that'll be tight! Hehehe! Actually, I was going to get some random guy on the beach to teach me this past summer, but my Grandma flipped out, and made me come back up to the house...which SUCKED! UGH! But it's all good.

Best memory: Hmmm...I've had many, I'm very fortunate...probably this past Christmas, when I helped my Daddy and Step Mommy Jane get all the presents ready for my lil brother and sister...ahhh! It was great! They were so excited...I love my family!

Worst memory: Fighting with my Mom. Fighting with a parent sucks. Especially when it gets physical. Don't ever let some1 hit you. And I know it sounds corny, but talk to some1 and try to get out of that situation. Because I know that if I hadn't done what I did, then I would still be in that mess. If you are abused by a parent or some1...u can e-mail me and talk, or IM me...I'm always here to listen and help! =)

Describe yourself in 1 sentence: I'm an outgoing, energetic, fun-loving, flirty lil blonde.

Random Stuff about moi...

-I wear Roxy Hula Hula...

-I hate talking on the phone...

-My room is orange...

-I make designs on my walls with my pix of NA...

-My bikini is Roxy! (Wahoo of course!)

-My Fav store is Pacific Sunwear!

-I made captain this year for Color Guard...WAHOO GO ME! I share the "captain" title with mah gurls...LARA AND DANIELLE! WOOT WOOT!

-I took french...and I can't speak a damn sentence! But I can comprehend most conversation!

-I take sign language cuz I saw Eric sign 2 a lil boy on the 4th of July and my heart just he's the reason behind why I'm taking the course...

-I can sign "Beautiful Girl"...

-Ricky and I have the same Playboy visor except mines red...

-I'm in NA's my inspiration...=)

-I've met NA 2x and seen them 5x...

-I got kissed by Ricky...and humped! (YAY!)

-I'm gonna go see NA 4th of July with mah gurl Lisa!

-I have a 'Ghettah' tape of most of the NA songs off of Napster...

-I call my computer and stereo the "NA Machine"

-I love french fries...

-My fav class is English.

-I hate the sucked! (Sorry all mah band just did!)

-"The Goonies" is the best movie ever...don't you dare argue with me either...and no I don't love this movie because Eric does...I love it because...I just do! LoL! And Dana will agree with me!

-We had to disect pigs in Bio and I had to leave the room I was so upset!

-I love glitter...

-The beach is mah life...

-I have the Japanese cd of No Strings's got, "I'll Never Stop", "If only in Heavens Eyes" and a "Bye Bye Bye" remix...

-I've been in the Virgin Megastore in Orlando and in NYC where I got smushed by 10,000 horny BsB fans!


-I dance to my crazy tape religiously...

-I say the same prayer I've said since I will lil little and it goes a lil sumptin like dis: "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep, If I should die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take...God Bless everyone and God bless you...Oh and Teddy too!" Wahoo!

-My pug was named after a Peanut Butter And Jelly sandwhich...we call him PJ...He won best name in a 6th grade show and tell he won dog bones...

-I've made a FANatic tape...for NA of course!

-I'm a self proclaimed Obsessive compulsive boy band fanatic! WAAAZZZZZZZZZUUUUPPPP?! LoL!

-"Workin at the Carwash" is my *OFFICIAL* Eric song...cuz he sang it at Dana and I's lil meet n greet...

-My locker is decorated with friends and family pix... some NA banners I made and a bunch of BsB pix from mah concert...

-I'm the most impatient person you will ever meet...

-I love country music...I'm from Virginia okay! Thats what we east coast VA hicks listen to dammit!

-My Grandma says I'm a redneck in disguise...(Cuz I have filthy hey I got it honest from her!)

-I can bait my own damn fishing line! WHAT NOW!

-I love chocolate...

-I can talk forever with my friends...I never shut up...and sometimes I get in trouble for it...

-My fav show is TOM GREEN BABEE! I love Undressed's so funny! Have u peeps seen the cutie that looks like Eric?! WAHOO! LoL!

So...that's me! LoL! :) If you share NE of my interests...e-mail me! :)