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News and Updates

March 13, 2000; 7:30pm: The Hungry? part of my site is up! And boy does it make you hungry....^.~ don't worry there's *still* more to come! *^_^* please feel free to e-mail me any comments, flames, thoughts, ect.

March 12, 2000; 6:25pm: The Quotes page is up. Feel free to add some of your own! :)

March 12, 2000; 4:25pm: The Meet page is up after lots of computer trouble >.< my computer just doesn't like me. Yes, yes, i KNOW that i steal TONS of pictures. As soon as i get my links page up i PROMISE that i'll put links back to you. Until then...ja ne!

March 6, 2000; 7:45pm: The Learn(about Tira) page is up and running! not to shabby for my first day of work ^.~

March 6, 2000; 3:05pm: The Punch! section of my site is up...3 cheers!

March 6, 2000; sometime during the day: YAY! The site Little Red Riding Hood is born and i have begun to work on it.

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