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Hey everyone! Keep coming back to this news section to read the latest on James, I will update each time I see the show...incase he has a cute message or something fun happened during the show, I will also keep you up to date as much as possible on TV appearances and such, as well as any site updates will be listed here! So for the latest jive talk, you know where to come!

June 14th, 2000 - Hey again...just wanted to let everyone who hasn't heard yet know that James' last show with SNF is Sunday July 2nd, go get tickets now! I did a lil updating today on the site nothing really too big. That's it I guess...Michelle

May 16th, 2000 - Hello everyone! Long time no update! Im so sorry but I have been SO bussy lately and I haven't even seen the show since March 26th! Im planning on going again June 28th once school is over and I can have some fun so that will be the next time I see James! I added some new pictures in the Stage Door section today! Thank you to Liz, Kelly Anne, & Shara! Go check them out! And we have a new Fan Club member! Everyone say HI to Dina! So, so much has gone on with James and the cast in the past month and a half! James went away back in April, sorry I didn't post that last month, I apologize if any of you went during that week and he wasn't there, but he is back now and on his regular schedule! Umm also James was nominated for an Outer Critics Award! Go JAMES! No he didn't win but atleast the cutie was recognized for his amazing talents! Also the cast was snubbed for Tony nominations but HEY! We've got our own Tony and in all of our hearts we KNOW what the best musical on Broadway is and who the best cast is! James is also right now doing a work shop of Hairspray, I dont know if that means much but maybe it's some foreshadowing for a future project! I guess the last thing to say right now is that there are rumors that he is leaving in July, I haven't heard anything from him but it's been posted on some message boards, as well as this message board that he is in fact leaving in July, as soon as it is deffinate information and there is a date known I will post it and you can guarantee I will be there that day! So if you have any other questions post them on the board or email me ( and if anyone has any more information to add email me as well or as always post it on the message board!

Talk to you all soon! ~Michelle~

March 29th, 2000 - Hey everyone! I saw Fever on Saturday the 25th, the show was absolutely amazing! James was incredible as usual! I spoke to him and he said that next time he see's me he will let me know whether or not the site can be *Officialized*! He is kind of anti-website and message board because he doesnt want it to be used to start rumors or be used against him, but I informed him that we all LOVE him and that no one would ever do that and ofcourse if they do I simply delete it. So everyone keep coming back to the message board and sign the guestbook so we can show James just how MUCH we all LOVE him!

I added a new picture page as well today, you can find it in the pictures section of him performing in SNF, there are some great pictures so go check it out and if anyone has any to add to the page EMAIL ME ( OK! So for now that is it, I still have to find out when James is going on vacation and post that up so keep coming back for the latest! Thanks! ~Michelle~

March 16th, 2000 - This site is COMPLETE! Yay! It took me long enough but this is the last piece to that puzzle we call "STAYIN' ALIVE...The First *Un-Official James Carpinello Website!" I am hoping to have James *OFFICIALIZE* the site when I see the show on the 25th of be sure to come back that night or the day after and I will OFCOURSE let you all know what he said! As for now there is no new news...ENJOY the site and be sure to return soon for the latest!

~Site Owner, Michelle~

Email me if you have any questions at the above link!
