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        Blessings and welcome to the online home
        The Goddesses' Angels Pagan Grief
        Resources and Web Ring

        Resources On The Web / Poetry /
        Articles On Death and Dying / The Pagan View of Passing Over /
        Rituals For The Dying / Blessings For The Dead /
        Healing The Survivor's Heart / Web Rings We Belong To /
        Candle Blessings

        Due to lack of interest,
        the Goddess' Angels WebRing has been closed - 9/14/00

        January 30th 2000 -
        Thank you for supporting survivors of loss by visiting this site. Just by caring enough to click on the link that sent you here, your spirit has blessed thousands of Pagans across the globe. I truly believe that.

        The Goddesses' Angels Grief Resources and Web Ring is still very much in it's infancy - about 4 days old at this point in time. I expect it to grow by leaps and bounds on a daily basis because unfortunately, grief and loss is a very real daily occurance in the lives of us all - Pagans or otherwise.

        I welcome all comments and questions, either by email or on the guestbook. Poetry, short stories, and artistic submissions are encouraged and accepted with open arms.

        Currently there is only a graphic for the Web Ring. In the near future, I do expect to have a Goddess Angels Supporter button for anyone who would like to have a link on their home site. And I encourage anyone with a website to grab one when it becomes available :) If you'd like to donate a supporter button, please feel free to do so. My graphics program crashed on me! Thanks!

        Feel free to explore the few rooms that are open at this point. And check back often, as I will be adding new material almost daily. Thank you!!

        In Her Love and the Light of Her Healing Spirit -

        A Mother's Need To Reach Out -
        As a mother of a child who passed away soon after birth, I used the vast world wide web as a way to seek out others "like myself". I was so pleased to find many connections online to help ease my grief. The community of bereaved parents welcomed me with open arms, and the willingness with which these people have shared their painful stories and fond memories of their lost children has been truly astounding. I can't thank those "virtual friends" enough.

        I began The Goddesses' Angels because I have been a little disheartened to find that some people will either back away from me, or stop speaking to me all together, once they find out I am a Pagan woman deeply involved in Goddess Spirituality.

        The Goddess is a great part of my daily life, always has been. Even when I was attending Sunday school as a young girl, She was with me. She is the strength that awakens me each morning, takes me through my day, showing me new and wonderful ways to view the world around me. Much to many people's contrary beliefs, Goddess Spirituality is an age-old belief system. Thousands of years older than even the largest religion on the earth at this point in time. But, that's beside the point of this website.

        Before I go much farther, let me state one thing - I am in no way saying that paganism is better than other belief systems. That's not what this is about. Alot of people delve deep into their personal religious beliefs for strength in the midst of such great sorrow ... and that is wonderful, whether the church you attend has a steeple or a towering oak marking it's place.

        The religion and/or spirituality of a bereaved parent is of little concern to me when I am speaking with them about our personal stories. It's the connection of grief that matters. The way in which we can help one another heal from our pain, matters to me. It might even surprise other Pagans to know that in the hour of my son's death, I had him baptized. At that moment MY personal biases and beliefs did not matter. What mattered to me was the soul and spirit of my child. In my eyes, both the Goddess and God, laid their hands upon his body, kissed him goodnight, and lead him into The Summerlands.

        I invite anyone, whether you have experienced the death of a child or other loved one, or if you have a friend who has gone through a loss, explore the pages contained within this website. Add your dedication page on the web to the Ring or recommend this site and Ring to a friend who may have a website of their own.

        The Goddesses' Angels was not created to section Pagans off from other paths of spirituality. Goddesses' Angels is here to help bind the Pagan community closer together. There are many books about loss and grief, but to my knowledge, no Pagan specific bereaved parent/loved one web rings out there.

        Whatever your background, I'm glad you've made it this far. And whichever path you choose from here, may your steps be on solid ground and blessed by good fortune.

        Blessed be. Bendithion. Namaste.

        If you have questions about this site, please ...

        counter added 1-30-2000