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The term pagan comes from the Latin term paganus, which simply means "countryman." In its earliest usage, it was applied to those who continued to adhere to traditional Greek and Roman religions even after Christianity became dominant. Because Christianity first gained dominance in the cities rather than the rural areas, the traditional religious beliefs came to be identified with the less cosmopolitan citizens of the empire.

Today, a great many pagans identify themselves as pantheists. Like other pantheists, pagans too believe that divinity is manifested everywhere, yet they are distinctive in that they relate to whatever they conceive of as God primarily through nature. They celebrate solstices, equinoxes and other natural passages, and they typically have a strong environmental ethic and a deep love of the natural world.

Many pagans are straight pantheists, using polytheism as a metaphoric way of approaching the cosmic divinity they believe in. Some people feel the need for symbols and personages to mediate their relationship with nature and the cosmos, and most say that there is no harm in this, as long as the symbols help them to connect to reality and do not block or distort their view of the cosmos. Pantheists can, however, also relate directly to the universe and to nature, without the need for any intermediary symbols or deities.

However, many pagans are literal polytheists and believe in magic, reincarnation, and the irrational. Modern pantheists are not generally polytheistic and do not believe in magic or disembodied spirits of any sort. Most of them also do not believe in a personal afterlife, whether through reincarnation or transport to any kind of non-material "heaven."

Below is an assorted list of information pages n the like that I've made. Please feel free to peruse them. Also please bare with me as this entire site is being updated. Thank you and blessed be!

Suggested Reading (Personal Library)
Candle Colors
The Charge Of The Goddess
Basic Deity List
13 Goals Of A Witch
Pagan & Wiccan Links
Assorted Terms & Definitions
Principles Of Belief
The Wiccan Rede
Basic list of tools
Wheel Of The Year
My Wicca Page