Iata primele fotografii astronomice realizate de mine. Bineinteles ca astea sunt cele mai frumoase din cate am facut pana acum. Majoritatea nu erau foarte reusite asa ca nu le-am mai pus aici. Dar mai am timp sa invat. 

Here are my first astro pictures. I find some of them pretty neat. Of course that I have some ugly ones that I haven't posted here. But I have a lot of time to learn my way in astrophotography. 

1. Prima fotografie facuta de mine. Orion, fara ghidaj. (My first astro pic. Orion, without guiding) 

2. Eu pe fondul cerului. Deasupra se vede Formalhaut. (My profile against the sky. Above me is Formalhaut)

3. Expunere spre pol, fara ghidaj. (Star trails, Celestial Pole)

4. Prima incercare de ghidaj. Taurus cu Jupiter, Saturn si Pleiadele. (Guiding for the first time. Taurus with Jupiter, Saturn and the Pleiades. Arrgh!!)

5. Am mai evoluat ceva cu ghidajul. Hyadele, Jupiter si Saturn. Pacat ca e filmul zgariat. (Another try in guiding. Better this time!! The Hyades, Jupiter and Saturn. Too bad the film had some scratches)

6.Zona Sagittarius. ( The Sagittarius region)

7. O fotografie a telescopului meu. (A pic of my 15cm homebuilt scope)

8. Alta poza a tunului (Another pic of the "gun")

9. Asa arat dupa doua nopti nedormite (cu folos) (That's how I look like after two nights without sleeping)

10. Apus de Soare (Sunset)

11. Luna - proiectie afocala prin binoclu 7x40 (Moon - afocal projection through 7x40 binoculars)

12. Orion fotografiat din oras - imagine imbunatatita cu Photoshop (Orion photographed from my town - the image was enhanced with Photoshop)

13. Alta imagine a lui Orion, tot din oras si tot imbunatatita (Another Orion pic taken from my town. This is enhanced too)

14. Orion pe cer albastru - culorile sunt reale (Orion on blue sky - the coulours are real)

15. Jupiter, Saturn, Aldebaran si Pleiadele pe acelasi cer (Jupiter, Saturn, Aldebaran and the Pleiades on the same sky)

16. Perseus fotografiat din oras - imbunatatit (Perseus photographed from my town - enhanced)

17. Venus