A little about myself
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A little about myself

Welcome to my profile page. I hate writing bio-ey thingies so I used one of those god-forsaken e-mail surveys. From this you can divine adequate information about me.

Ooh, look at me.

Name: Christine. No last name. I haven’t completely gotten over my slightly unhealthy internet paranoia. (And for those of you who think you're smart, "Barton" is not my last name, contrary to what it says on my e-mail replies. That be an alias. I am sneaky.)
Nicknames: I’m particularly fond of signing my letters and e-mails “Chris Herself”, but most people just call me Chris. It’s natural. Besides, after years of people mixing my name up with Christina, Christy, Kristin, Kirsten, etc. I decided people of average intelligence just deal better with Chris. Other nicknames are Seester, Nibs, and the particularly demeaning “Chrissy”. Call me that and you are begging for death.
Age: 19
Birthdate: August 17, 1983
Hometown: Temecula, CA
Current Residence: San Diego, CA
Heritage: About as white as you can get. If you really want to delve, I’m Irish, German, and Italian. Nice, stable mix, huh?
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light brown, with blond highlights that have faded and are growing out because I’m sick of redoing them
Height: 5’6”
Weight: I haven’t weighed myself for months so I don’t know. I’m not fat, not thin…just kinda curvy I guess.
Do you think you’re attractive? Yep.
Personality: Demented.
Get along with your parents? I get along with my mom. As long as I’m not at home, I get along with my stepdad too.
Have many friends? No, about 9. Quality, not quantity. I trust the friends I have. I have a lot of aquacintances though.
Have a boyfriend? Nope. Single for now.
Car: ’98 Blazer, with lotsa ‘o stickers on the back and an Invader Zim licence plate frame. I have fast speedy. No tickets yet….
Job: Student Lab Assistant in the school library’s computer labs. In spite of this, I actually know very little about computers >_<
Like your job? Most of the time.
Favorite Color: I’m a big fan of blue and purple. Just look at Munora.
Favorite Food: I’m not too picky. I like anything with chocolate. I like lentil soup, and Edamames, and crunchy things…and Peeps of any kind. You can’t go wrong with sugar-coated marshmallows.
Least Favorite Food: Really spicy stuff, or grilled cheese sandwiches. And processed meats, which are frightening
Favorite Drink: I’ve always been a fan of ice-cold, delicious milk. I like cream soda, grape soda, and cherry cola too. Diet Coke is the devil. It makes my insides hurt!
Favorite Books: Anything by Jean M. Auel, or James Herriot. And my British Literature class got me interested in Victorian/Industrial-period British poetry. I love children’s books too. I never grew up. I’m into a few comics- anything by Jhonen Vasquez, especially Johnny the Homicadal Maniac, and Roman Dirge’s Lenore.
Favorite TV show: Invader Zim. Hands down.
Favorite Movie: Ugh, don’t even ask. I like anything that’s really funny or cynical (or both). I guess if you threatened me with death by spork I would have to say “Ghost World”.
Favorite Music: I like/tolerate pretty much everything. I’m on a techno kick right now.
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving. All the fun, love, and insaneness of the Christmas season without the stress and misery.
Favorite Day of the Week: Friday night.
Favorite Word/Phrase: “I STAB MY HEAD!!” A la Jhonen. Used to indicate duress.
Do you swear? Every fucking day
Piercings/Tattoos: Just a belly button piercing. No tattoos.
What’s your room like? Very full of stuff. 2 Art majors rooming together = EXTREMELY MESSY ROOM. I have wallpaper made of funny ads from magazines all taped up on my side of the room. Come moveout time I'll be hating life.
Are you wearing nail polish? Yeh, this amazing stuff called Liquid Euphoria. It’s purple with a really subtle metallic fuscia highlights in it, and if you look at it in the sunlight, in different angles the fuscia highlights turn teal. It rules.
What color underwear are you wearing right now? Light blue with sparkly dark blue stars.
Ticklish? In the extreme.
When’s bedtime? Usually around 2-4 in the morning. Depends when my first class is. I try to get SOME sleep.
Sleep much? About 4-5 hours a night during the week, 10-12 a night on the weekends.
Been to Africa? No.
Been toilet papering? OH yes.
Been in a car accident? Si, Senor Diablo. 2. One was my fault.
Been in Love? Yep.
So much it hurt? Many times over, yes.
What do you do when you’re bored? Draw, work on my site, read JtHM…
Preferred method of inflicting death: Bees.
Store most likely to max out credit cards in: Target, sadly. The quintessential Utopia of Consumerism for the college-goer.
Do you play sports? I loathe team sports with every fiber of my being. But I used to be on a swim team. I liked that. I also used to be a pretty successful competitive horseback rider too. And I absolutely love wakeboarding and kneeboarding. Now that I’m at school though, there isn’t much time for anything like that. I’m too busy studying. And screwing around. Mostly screwing around.
Get depressed much? No, but you’ll know when I do.
Ever tried to kill yourself? No, but have thought about it many a time.
Most annoying thing anyone can do to me: Oh the list goes on and on. Top 3: being really rude to me, acting holier-than-thou, or snubbing me. Then again, all of that gives me an excuse to act like a bitch back at them, which I like. I really don’t like people in general much.
Persons I really hate: A couple idiots I used to know, and this guy named Levi, Aaren’s old roommate Nate….
Expect people to actually read down this far? No. BLOOPBLOOPBLOOP!

I'm a Sex Magnet Bishounen :P Fun test.

What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at artificial-soul.net by Rin.