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A.G.'s Zelda Artwork

DISCLAIMER! Most of the characters on this page are (c) Nintendo. I'm not taking credit for creating those, cuz someone else did. I merely enjoy drawing them. However, the character Z-Chick is (c) to me cuz, well, I did make her up. You may not use her or take her without my permission! Dunno why anybody would want to, but she's still my character.

All of the images on this page are (c) to me because I drew them. If you want to use them for any reason, get my permission first! All of these images are thumbnailed and in the order I created them, meaning the farther down you go, the older they are. Beware of old pics!

A.G.'s Cavern

8-something-02 It is a picture of Link looking cute. Wish I could do more with this picture, but it would require more time than I can spare right now >_<

12-26-01 Seeing the drool-a-licious graphics on Super Smash Bros. Melee for GameCube prompted me to draw a picture of Sheik. I hadn't expected to color it, now that I have I wish I had worked a bit harder on getting the proportions right. Prisma Marker.

922-01 Ooh shexay. Z-Chick is morphing before my very eyes. She was supposed to look thoughtful but she really just looks cross-eyed >_< Note the effective use of background. Gee, how did that get in there? o_0 I plan to color this in Photoshop. Don't know when, just know that I want to. Ink.

9-20-01 Oh, Z-Chick, I know you love Link to peices, but you shouldn't hug him so hard! This pic makes me laugh. I used markers of mixed quality, I can only buy a few Prismas at one time ^_^ at the rate I'm going it'll take me twenty years to get a whole set :P

A Christmas card for the Zelda community! This is a new take on an old pic, which isn't up anymore...needless to say the CGing on this came out better than the old picture. Poor Link.

Someone on a message board did a very nice fanfic, and this is from it. It's Saria, all grown up and Link's age! Couldn't get that hand holding the ocarina to look right though, bah. I need more work on hands.

Awwww....Link and Zelda, how sweet. Done in brush pen, it took me a long time too. I dislike using brush pen to ink drawings. Takes too long. =P

It's Z-Chick, my Zelda alias. You may see her from time to time on Zelda message boards and chats. I CGed this in PhotoDeluxe Business Edition, which I consider a really bad program to CG in. This is probably the best CG I've gotten out of that program!

Oi, now we're getting into the really old stuff (there was a long period of time where I wasn't drawing any Zelda whatsoever). This is a saddish pic taken out of a scene from a fanfic. I would give you a link, because it was really good, but I can't find it -_-;

Link on a log. Yup. I did this quickie little pic in about 20 minutes, but it came out cute.

Sheik! my fave char from the Zelda games. Why'd they have to spoil it all and make Sheik turn out to be *anti-spoiler people insert long bleep noise*? HEY! Yeesh I think everybody knows Sheik's true identity. Ah well. This was done in mechanical pencil, I never use those things to draw though. I was just feeling bored. Funny what you can turn out when you're bored.

Naaaaaww...I still like this picture. But then again I love horses and Zelda. Best of 2 worlds, no? This was done in watercolor pencil, I really like those ^_^

Ruto's such a brat! 'Nuther watercolor pencil picture. I thought the situation would be funny. *Ah, she is getting tired of typing, the descriptions are getting short*