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A.G.'s Miscellaneous Artwork

DISCLAIMER! While not all of the characters featured in the art on this page are mine, all of the images are and therefore copyrighted to me. Please don't steal them or use them without my permission! All characters on this page are (c) to their respective creators. Please don't sue me, I'm not very wealthy.

Here you have arrived at my miscellaneous artwork page. All the images in here either didn't fit into the other categories, or are just plain wierd. Sometimes both. Proceed with caution. ^_^ All of the images are thumbnailed- click on the small image to see the large, complete version.

A.G.'s Cavern

7-21-03 I love Five Iron Frenzy. The anticipation of seeing them in concert several times this year only serves to intensify my delusions of ska... Prisma markers.

4-something-03 Odd little sketches I did in class. They actually make that syrup stuff. It's raspberry flavored, and unintentionally phallic. I had to buy some, and now it sits in my room. It watches over me. Pencil doodles.

4-1-03 Perdy mermaid. I tried drawing a very thin person instead of my usual curvy/busty girls. As you can see, I had limited success. Pencil/pen sketch.

4-1-0 The thought of Legolas swearing amuses me. Pen sketch.

4-something-03 Sketchbook filler, but one I actually liked for some odd reason or another, skewed face and all. Charcoal pencil.

3-12-03 A ditzy reporter for my school paper wrote the most atrocious article ~_0 saying that men should never wear tank tops, turtlenecks, or muscle tees. Some of us actually happen to like clothes that show the shape of what's underneath. Instead of writing a letter to the editor in disagreement like I usually do, I did a political-type cartoon. Big suprise, it didn't get published. Gee, I wonder why. Pen and ink.

12-12-02 Comickey doodle thing that I did at work. Nice to know what I'm paid for, isn't it? Pen sketch.

5-9-02 Once upon a time, I drew a self-portrait and forgot about it. Then I got bored, found this, started to color it, and got bored again. The End! Pencil sketch and Photoshop.

9-26-02 *MUSH FACTOR* Think drawing profiles is hard? Try drawing two profiles mashed together. Twice the fun! Twice the thrills! Twice the amount of hair ripped out in fustration! Heheh. Well, it looks as if I finally got it right, no? This is a very accurate depiction of my first kiss with Aaren. Hence the mush theme. Pencil drawing.

8-?-02 *singysingy* Please get me a towel, Mr. Tangerine Speedo, you're all over town, in your tangerine la la la la la la la la...*end singysingy* OK so the scanner was crap and it's now a goldenrod speedo. But then the song would be stupid. Oh wait. I did this in about 15 minutes, 13 seconds of which were spent on the background. Ink and Prisma markers.

2-?-o2, in progress Bwa! I'm loving this pic. I had it almost done- it was going to be one of those rare pics I actually put a background on. Unfortunately, as I was putting the finishing touches on one kick-ass background, Photoshop froze on me and I lost the whole thing. And even more unfortunately, I hadn't saved any of it. Yes, I'm an idiot. No, I don't usually forget to save. Of course, the one time I did, I get raked over the coals. As soon as I can get this pic transferred from my computer to the family computer, where Photoshop is actually working, I'll be able to finish it. Inked and colored in Photoshop.

2-?-02 Uh, yerp, not much to say here. More self-portraiture. My friends and I joke that compared to most of the goody-goody-uber-christians at my school, I am satan incarnate- in sweet-but-not-so-innocent sheep's clothing. But I don't have any sheep's clothing. I don't even wear wool. But I wear that favorite shirt a lot. Photoshop.

3-something-02 This just proves that I'm not too good at self-portraits. Actually, this does vaguely resemble me. I don't have the horns, wings, and tail in real life though, at least last I checked...But I do have that shirt. And it's one of my favorite shirts ^_^ Prismacolor pencils.

1-11-02 Who's this? Silver has been a character of mine for a long time, I've just never put any of my drawings of her up on my site. I have a few finished ones and another in the works, expect to see a little bit more of her soon. Pencil sketch, with (sloppy) color added in PhotoShop.

1-5-02 For the record, I had no interest in seeing Lord of the Rings. I could never get into the books, and a movie about a book I didn't like wasn't appealing to me. However, my sister made me go anyways. The movie was pretty good but Orlando Bloom (Legolas) is HOT. I saw the movie a couple more times and am eagerly awaiting the next one so I can see my hot elf real-life bishie again ~_0 He looks pretty girly in this pic, gimme some credit here. I drew him anime stle and it was from memory. Note- the reason he has no shirt is because my memory isn't THAT good and I couldn't remember what his clothes looked like exactly. I'm not complaining or anything. Pencil sketch.

12-26-01 I think Pikmin look like peanuts. Prisma Markers.

12-25-01 Aren't Pikmin cute? My cousin has a GameCube and I was watching him play Pikmin. I couldn't resist sketching some. Ink sketch.

8-13-00 Ew! Stupid drooly dogs are no fun, as Fawkes (my sis) has found out. Colored pencil sketch.

7-3-00 It's Cale from Titan A.E.! He's no bishounen but he still manages to be sketchy pencil sketch.

6-18-00 Eeeep! Run! She'll give you the magical wonder drink! No, she's not high. She's the Grape Soda Girl, here to spread the love. Colored in PhotoDeluxe.

6-8-00 At least she doesn't look doped up in this version. Cute! Spectracolor pencils.