A.G.'s Animorphs Artwork
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A.G.'s Animorphs Artwork

DISCLAIMER! Animorphs and Animorph-related-sh'tuff are all the creation of K.A. Applegate and are (c) Scholastic. I am but a humble fan who loves Andalites ^_^ However, A.G. is 100% (c) me because I created her, don't steal her!

This is my Animorphs fan art. As you can see there are very few actual Animorphs on this page. I prefer to draw Andalites :P because I think they're really kewl! Dunno, mebbe someday I'll actually draw something other than Andalites. These pictures are in chronological order, the farther down you go, the older the pictures get. You can click on the small picture to get a big version of it. Enjoy!

A.G.'s Cavern

7/20/03 I hadn't drawn an Andalite in a while, so I sat down and did one. Yerp. Prisma markers and pencils.

8/20/01 Dracon wounds are difficult to draw. This one's a tad gruesome, folks. Pencil scetch.

Colored version of my Andalite warrior. I spent a while on this one, and I like how it came out. The scanner scanned it kind of grainy though. Ye gads I want some Prismas...

Andalite warrior! Giving him the body of a Clydesdale horse was intentional, thankyouverymuch. He looks more warrior-ish that way, I think...

undated Baby Andalites are so fun to draw! Or baby horses for that matter, their proportions are different than adults, and it makes for interesting poses. This is just some random yearling Andalite, running around. Aside from the crummy hands I really like how this turned out.

Same picture of Ax and Estrid from book #38, but with a hasty crappy background tossed in. I do not like how it came out -_-, I think it looks retarded.

Ax and Estrid in that neat fight scene from book #38, I think it was. I used a regular #2 pencil, my favorite. I like the shading on this.

It occurred to me that in the 4 years I had Ax's Girlfriend (A.G.) as a screen character, I had never ever drawn her. So this is she, in SD! She wears a bomber jacket. Why? Because. I'm very attached to A.G., she was my first ever screen char/role-playing char. Ah, memories...

*Spoiler* Uh-oh..Heheh I laughed when I read that scene. This is from book #28, when Tobias morphs Ax, and Ax tries to give him a crash course on tail-fighting... *g* I did this with watercolor pencil.

Not a whole lot to say about this one, it's just a young Andalite and her mama, out for a morning stroll. Pencil scetch.

A scene from my fanfic, Lorenia running from it all. Hokey title yes. Pencil scetch.

Awww....I think this is cute. ^_^ Another scene from my fanific, Ax and Lorenia enjoying the sunset. Pencil scetch.

Doran, Lorenia's annoying little brother. Another pencil scetch.

Ah, the main character for my fanfic, which is up at The Escafil Device. Lorenia! I swear the name is coincidence and not copyright infringement. Actually that fanfic is where I derive my screen name "Ax's Girlfriend" from. Pencil scetch.

I really liked this scene. Actually, The Andalite Chronicles is my favorite Animorphs book. Pencil scetch *ye gads I am tired of typing 'pencil scetch'. I should do more pen or CGs.*