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World Field Target Federation
World Championships 2004
at the Military Training Ground
23-25th July, Ebern, Germany

Day 3 - Sunday 25th July


Early morning - 7.15 am - it was misty
This was at the entrance to the ground
Flags hanging in the mist

Thomas Stärk & Michel ???? - Town Crier
Michel & Keith Ryan
Gerhard Einwag with a traditional "shooting target" for the main organiser of the event - yet to be shot
(at the German Nationals)
Ernst Hüber
Deborah Thompson
Mark Catlin, Deborah Thompson & Ernst Hüber
Bit of a meeting between sessions

© Uwe Schlösser 2004
Pawel Stepien, Alfred De Vries, Andy Calpin
& Adrian Bismor

© Uwe Schlösser 2004
Ray Apelles
The photo taken by Adrian in the background can be seen HERE
© Uwe Schlösser 2004
Richard Woods & Jennie Stone
© Uwe Schlösser 2004
Adrian Bismor & Krzysztof Bosak
© Uwe Schlösser 2004
Down the hill in the forest
© Uwe Schlösser 2004
A downhill shot
Richard Woods, Peter O'Hagan & John Smeding at the end of the course, in time and in distance
at Lane 9

© Ulrich Eichstädt 2004
Near the end ........
Keith Ryan, Deputy Range Director, helped up the hill (for the last time?)
by Martha Apelles after a very long week of walking up this hill
that hill and all the other hills! - more photos by Paramags - more by Paramags' brother



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