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Sue's Wedding (June 2000)

Life is short, enjoy it!

I was born in ujongbu, korea(see map above), but lived in dongdochun most of my life in korea. Dongdochun is just north outside of Seoul. Only people who know or heard of dongdochun are people in the army because a big U.S. military base is there called camp casey. It’s funny because my brother is stationed there right now and I will probably be there in about 5 months. I loved it there even though I only lived there for 7 years. I went back 2 times so far and the next time I go it will probably be for a while. I am 23 now and I am writing about the rest of my life after leaving korea. Like most korean families we came to the states because we already had family here and came for the american dream. My father, very talented man, just to name a few things he does is studied electronics in college, learn to be a car mechanic in army, build house, fix people’s backs, and the list goes on and on, now he farms korean vegetables and fruit. My mom is one of the hardest working person I know and I owe her everything for what she went through and did for me and my bro. My bro and I are both 2Lt. in the army I'm stationed in Oklahoma for 5 months and off to korea for a year or so to join my bro. When I first came to america, I lived at my aunt’s house in hanover, Pa for about 3 years, I went to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade there. Next we moved to ne philly near 5th street then near the route 1 in philly and then back to hanover, pa(actually Littlestown, pa). The hanover and littlestown area is a all white area. Yeah, I moved a lot I think I went to like 11 different schools. grade school nothing to talk about there. My high school was interesting, going to a all white school. I only played football because I had to work after school my whole high school career, yeah working for the dad, it sucked. I was the first asian to score on that high school team and on that field probably. Littlestown was small, that town only had 1 traffic light and 2 police cars that pull over an average of at least 20 people a day. Now starts my military career and how much it affected my life. I join the army reserve my junior year in high school. Went to basic training at Fort Jackson, SC right after high school. After freshmen year at drexel, I went to Advance individual training, another army training. After sophomore year I went to airborne in ft. benning, ga and then air assault training at west point military academy. No training after my pre-junior year, just went to korea to work for a bit, I love it there and can’t wait until I am stationed there. Last summer I went to seattle for my final training before I got commissioned as a 2 Lt. After I graduated and commissioned into the army, I branched Field Artillery and now stationed in OK and then korea for a year. I am definitely getting out after my 4 years is up, army is good with all the benefits and stuff, but my main goal in life is to make money and live it up and I can’t do that in the army.
name: Steve or Sung Won So
age: 23
born: Korea
from Philly and Littlestown, central PA
Words to live by: Success is when ur happy!!

John and I

Wannabe GQ!!!

We be livin' Suburban Fabulous(from L-R Bob, Chris, Me 1987)

Can't beat the homemade shorts

Korean New Year in Philly

Chillin' on the beach in Korea August '85

Creek next to my house

VA Beach

My other sites

My Asianavenue page
Army Photos
High School Photos
Brother's Page
