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We are the Sirens of Piedmont, a student run Rugby club. We have been in exsistance since the 1998-1999 season. We welcome girls from all over, anyone interested can play providing you are in high school and 19 and under. We won the Northern Califonia State High School Championships in the 2000-2001 season despite the loss of a few of our players. This year we hope to be a winning program again and also include girls from other high schools in the area. To contact me there is an e-mail link at the bottom, please feel free to use it if you have any questions of comments.

~Ni Reddick~

News:2/28/02 - We have tournement March 24th, 2002 in Sacremento. The details are at
9/29/01 - By some random piece of luck, I was at the Dixon Scottish Highland Games with nothing much better to do than wander around. I happened across the UC Davis women's team in need of a prop. SCORE! I'm a prop. They managed to procure all the gear I would need, and my mom, for some strange reason, had spandex. We played Sac State and I saw two girls who used to play for high school teams in my league. In two twenty minute halves, Davis won about 28 to 0. It was a good game. Here's the picture.

Games: We don't have a schedule yet, but this is where it'll be when we get it! I'd like to say Good game to all the girls who came out on Saturday to play Oakridge. it was fun and muddy the way it's supposed to be. Good effort, keep it up.

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Other Rugby Sites

Our sister team the Berkely High Yellow Jackets
Cool Gear and Rugby news
The official USA Rugby site
The USA senior mens national team
