Cozad AYSO 2000-2001 League Sponsors.

Thank you Sponsors.

Cozad AYSO is able to provide an outstanding soccer program for our youth because of the generosity of the individuals and companies listed below who sponsor teams for 2000 and 2001 season. We urge you to support the sponsors whenever possible. Their sponsorship is greatly appreciated!

Monroe Equipment Co.

Wellness Center


Cozad Discount Pharmacy

Rowe's Construction

Pizza Hut's


Dairy Queen

First Bank & Trust Co.

Cozad State Bank.

Hunt Cleaner's

Derek Mitchell PC's (2 teams)



Evan's Bakery

McCoy's Pharmacy

Valley Vending Services.

Griffis's Farm

Mike's Electric.

DJ's Truck & Auto

Frontier's Medical

Meridian Rental

Cozad Telephone Co.

The Feed Store

Century Styling's

Anderson's Studio
