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  • Make pendulum like stroke.
  • Push putter through ball towards the target.
  • Keep hands low through the ball.
  • Keep head steady through stroke.
  • Be in rhythm with stroke. For example 1 , 2 on the way back and 3 , 4 on the way through.
  • Right pointer finger down shaft of putter for control
  • Back of both left and right hand should face opposite directions. This will allow for a weak grip and no wrist motion.
  • Chip as if putting
  • Push club through ball towards the target
  • Low follow through with club
  • It is better to get the ball on the green and running as soon as possible. Better chance of getting it closer to the hole.
  • For any golfer, the first shot often foreshadows the entire day. An exceptionally good first drive may inspire you to new heights .
  • Prepare for that crucial first swing.
  • Before teeing off, stretch, hit practice balls, and visualize a perfect shot.
  • For every shot you hit on the practice range, hit THREE around the practice green.
  • Ninety percent of your ability to score depends upon your performance from thirty yards in.
  • Once a month, play nine holes with only a three iron, seven iron, sand wedge, and putter.
  • You’ll discover new facets of shotmaking.
  • To ensure correct positioning of the club at the top of your backswing, execute a swing and freeze at the top.
  • Remove your left hand from the grip, holding loosely with only your right hand. The club will drop. If the shaft lands between your neck and right shoulder, your swing plane is correct.
  • Your backswing should take approximately twice as long as your downswing.
  • The club should be gripped in the fingers of your right hand. Make certain the lifeline of your right hand suffocates your left thumb, which should be straight down the top of the shaft.
  • Metaphorically, play golf on shock absorbers — not on stilts.
  • Use well-flexed legs with your left knee pointing in toward the ball on the backswing. Kick your right knee toward the ball on the forward swing.
