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Daily Recaps and Rants
Tuesday, 8 June 2004
Draft and other subjects
Well here it is Jun and the amateur draft is upon us. We are taking
the undersized local kid, Matt Bush, out of Mission Bay instead of
the higher priced and much riskier picks of Jared Weaver or Jeff
Niemann. I read all the hype and it drips of propoganda. We had a
chance to pick up a number one starter and we take a 5-9 170lbs
defensive shortstop? Maybe with a middle round pick but nr 1 overall?
I really hope that we are not being handed a song and dance about
this kid because Justin Verlander is going to make us awfully sorry
in about 2 years if Matt Bush isnt the "real deal".

Darren Balsey is making Kevin Towers look like a genius for firing Greg
Booker and installing Darren in his place. He really can coach and he
works harder than any of his pitchers to help them out. Not only that
it appears that he has gained the respect and confidence of all of
his pitchers including the veterans. Finding and helping correct flaws
in Brian Lawrence, Ismael Valdez, Adam Eaton and Dennis Tankersley is
just his most recent credits. It was also Balsey that stood up for
Dennis Tankersley when the organization was ready to give up on him.
It seems that Tank is now ready to pitch like we all hoped that he
would be able to.

Comings and goings. Seems minor leaguers are changing locations faster
than we can keep up with them. Germano was up and is back down, as is
Brain Sweeney and Bandon Puffer. Tank is still with the club as is Nady
and Knott. Hopefully one of them will show some hitting before its time
to make the decision to send one or the other(or both) back down.

Josh Barfield is still trying to conquer the Southern League(not an easy
task), Tim Stauffer is having no such problems, in fact he is making pro
baseball look way too easy. It will be hard to keep him down in the minors
if he continues to dominate the way he has been. Freddy Guzman has succeeded
at every level to which he has been assigned. He is still stealing bases at
a high rate and hitting well above .300. Makes one wonder why we went out
and got Kerry Robinson.

Well I expect I have rambled on about enough for tonight. I will complete
the rant on these and other subjects on another day.

aloha, hank :C)

Posted by padrehank at 1:37 AM HDT
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