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die hard Packer fan's 2001 Draft Guide

Thanks for visiting this site....this is not at all about fancy graphics, its about information regarding the Green Bay Packers and specifically the 2001 College Draft as it relates to the Packers. I am NOT, in any way shape or form affiliated with the Green Bay Packers or the NFL. All the info on this site is merely my own humble opinion. This page will be continuously updated as we get closer to draft day, including complete scouting reports on many prospects. For now we have the over-views and rumors sections.


The Packers have traded Matt Hasselbeck and their #17 pick in the first round to Seattle for Seattle's #10 pick in the 1st round and their 3rd round pick (#72 overall)

Why I like the Hasselbeck trade: we have the #10 pick now!!! we have a chance to get a true impact player at #10...perhaps even Jamal Reynolds or Andre carter or Dan Morgan.......these are players we had resigned ourselves to realizing we wouldn't be able to get and theres a fairly big difference between #10 and #17, its tough to trade into the top 10 picks and we now have three 3rd round picks which Wolf/Sherman may be able to use 2 of to get into another second round pick. theres no guarantee that Hasselbeck will be a great player (I happen to think he will be very good, but theres no guarantee of that), he looked pretty panicky vs Tampa Bay at the end of the game last year, and looked downright awful vs Seattle in 1999---those are the only real games he's played in. I happen to think that we are building a Super Bowl team

SO, what are the Packers gonna do at pick #10? I think its a straight up brilliant move to get a great defensive player at pick #10. worst case scenario we'll get Damione Lewis who I think will be a superstar, and contrary to what a LOT of folks say Lewis will not be available at pick #17. other possibilities: Jamal Reynolds, J Smith, Andre Carter, or Dan or more of those guys will be available at pick 17. Lets do the math: 9 picks ahead of us: Vick, D terrell, K Robinson, G Warren, L Tomlinson likely gone in the first 10......then U have the VERY likely possibility of an OL gone in the top 10: K Walker or L Davis or both, then theres Michael Bennett and/or Deuce McAllister who could be gone in the first 10....then theres Jamar Fletcher. I have heard some Packers fans saying that the Hass trade was not smart and that we won't be able to get a great defensive player at pick #10, to which I say "do the math people"!!-------the chances are EXTREMELY UNLIKELY that Reynolds, J Smith, AND A Carter as well as Dan Morgan will all be gone by pick 10 leaving us with Damione Lewis (who AGAIN i assert will be a star---kindly go back and watch your tapes of Miami games PLEASE!) the trade is brilliant imho..... also I wouldn't be surprised to see Wolf/Sherman package up some 3's and that #10 to move up and get Gerard Warren who I believe is who they REALLY want most of all

Top Players

1. LaDainian Tomlinson is at the top of the list (yep thas right, I like limbs and going out on them, and its no longer going out on a limb to say he's a 1st round talent, so I'll say he's the best player in the draft...oh yeah, I actually believe it too)
2. Michael Vick
3. Koren Robinson
4. Jamar Fletcher
5. Gerard Warren
6. Dan Morgan
7. Jamal Reynolds
8. David Terrell
9. Damione Lewis
10. Steve Hutchinson
11. Andre Carter
12. Deuce McAlister
13. Derrick Gibson
14. Torrance Marshall
15. Brian Allen
16. Jamie Winborn (vastly under-rated player imho)
17. Santana Moss

those are the players who I think will be the best pro players....This was not based on draft positioning but on who I think will be the best pro players


It's 2-21-01, we are down to the nitty gritty of the scouting season with all the Bowl games done its time to press rewind and play over and over and study those tapes.

Assessment: Defense

The Packers finished with a 9-7 record, it is clear that Ed Donnatel's new one gap defense is headed in the right direction, but its also clear that this new D is a work in progress. What this team overall needs is more speed and athleticism on both sides of the ball. Theres been an amazing amount of injuries and there are a number of players with bigtime 2001 cap hits who will either need to be cut and replaced in order to make cap room, or need to renegotiate. Current starting Defensive players on the salary cap bubble include DT Santana Dotson, DT Russell Maryland, MLB Bernardo Harris and OLB Brian Williams. Likely Harris will remain the Packers starting MLB. S Dotson could be a training camp cap casualty if he doesn't renegotiate his contract. Greta to see LeRoy Butler renegotiate his contract. He is a great leader and coach on the field for this defense.

Defensive Tackle/Nose Tackle: Russell Maryland had a better year than many realize, he did not get huge stats but he drew the double teams which allowed other players to shoot the gap. With Steve Warren's injury do not be surprised to see the Packers draft a NT if one isn't brought in through free agency. DT is another story. Santana Dotson is drawing a higher salary than anyone, and though he had a better year than the previous few seasons he is not worth the $$ he is getting. This defense is designed in a way which should allow the DT playing Dotson's position to dominate, and Santana has not played like the $5 Million per year player he is supposed to be. Also, with santana Dotson now injured thru the beginning of training camp likely, he could indeed be a salary cap victim. Certainly it is likely that the Packers will be drafting a DT somewhere in the draft, perhaps as early as round 1. S Dotson and Warren are out with injuries, Maryland is only a part time player with perhaps a year left in him, only Cletidus Hunt remains as a DT who has gotten regular playing time. There has been speculation of putting Vonnie Holliday at DT and he is beginning to play at DT more and more. Cletidus Hunt is a possibility too, but Hunt is looking more and more productive at DE. There is a great college DT though, in Damione Lewis from Miami, who many have speculated Ron Wolf is big on and who would be tailor made for our defense with his quick first step, ability to shoot the gap, and his aggressive hustling attitude. This draft is fairly deep at DT and it is possible that Lewis could fall to us in round 2, though Wolf may like Lewis so much that he may grab him in round 1. There are, as I said, a LOT of very good DT's in this draft, and do not be surprised to see RW take one of them in the first 2 rounds while specifically targeting Damione Lewis. Other DT prospects who could be had in the first 2 rounds include: Gerard Warren of Florida has emerged as the #1 NT in the draft and no doubt the Packers are looking at him very closely. Shaun Rogers and Casey Hampton of Texas, Richard Seymour of Georgia, John SChlecht of Minnesota (one of my personal favorites who hustles all out) and Willie Howard of Stanford. Being that DT is such a strong position this year as well as one of need, look for RW to go for a different position in round 1 and then take the best available DT in round 2, unless he has set his target specifically on Mr Lewis of Miami.

Top DT's in the Draft

Gerard Warren 6-4, 310, (Junior) Florida Warren has declared that he will enter the draft as a Junior. Many see Warren as a big possibility for the Packers, and I am not surprised. Warren is a very good player, good quickness and the ability to occupy two blockers AND get into the backfield. He has emerged as the best NT in the draft. Gets in the backfield quick. Tough hard-nosed player who needs to improve his consistency but is a legit big-time pro prospect.

Richard Seymour 6-6,298 Georgia Seymour is the real deal, likely to go in the top 10 overall, however a fairly average bowl game appearance may have hurt him. He'll need to step it up in the Senior Bowl. Just a huge run distruptor, great strength, bigtime motor and the quickness to get into the backfield. Could play either DT or NT. I would rate Seymour the best DT in the draft thats full of great DT's. Great character, a team leader.

Damione Lewis 6-2 290 Miami (Fla) I like Lewis better than many scouts who have him as a late first early second. I rate Lewis as the #2 DT in the draft. Super quick, a player who could be a bigtime impact at the DT position. A guy who will get sacks and plenty of them in a system like the Packers'. Great lateral speed for his size. Qick enough to play DE but I project him to DT in a one gap. Hustles all over the field. A big part of Miami's tough defense.

Shaun Rogers 6-4, 325, Texas Need a prototype NT who will take up two blockers? Look no furthur than Mr Shaun Rogers of Texas. What a load this guy is, and good quickness for a 325 pound NT. Tough as nails. Plays the run very well. Needs to get slightly better leverage in order to dominate in the NFL, as NFL guards will stand him up since he's 6-4. A big-time prospect. Shows every sign of being coachable and able to excel at the next level.

Marcus Stroud 6-6, 295 Georgia Seymour's team-mate at Georgia. I'm not as big on him as many scouts are, but theres no doubt theres talent there. I wonder if maybe he'd be better off at a power DE position like Vonnie Holliday plays. Didn't dominate as many expected he would but still someone to watch in the All-Star games and the combines as the draft gets closer. Plays the run very well.

Casey Hampton 6-1, 320, Texas Big Casey is the other great Texas DT, tough to move, tough vs the run, another big load who projects to DT in the Pro's.

Wendell Bryant 6-4, 300(Junior)Wisconsin Bryant is not rated as high by me as he is by many others, he needs to show much more consistency and hustle and would be wise to spend another year in college. A very good pass rusher and solid vs the run when he's properly motivated. At this point reminds me of Vonnie Holliday a lot in terms of projection. I do NOT see stardom for Bryant but rather a solid DT/DE type. IF he returns to Wisconsin and dominates like he could then he'll be a better prospect in the 2002 draft. No chance would I want the Packers to draft him this year if he comes out early.

Ennis Davis 6-4, 295 USC Davis is another highly regarded DT who simply did not perform like many hoped and projected this season. Seemed to lack effort at times and other times out and out dogged it. A great talent however who is a battler on the pass rush when he's motivated and show quickness. He has an injury concern from a knee injury in '99. Tough to project because theres talent there, certainly a gamble for whoever takes him.

Mario Monds 6-3, 335 Cincinnati I like big Mario MOnds a great deal. Just a pure NT who will collapse the pocket and allow the gap shooters to do the glory work. teams will have to put two players on Monds or suffer the consequences. Very athletic for such a big guy. If this guy is there in round 2 he would be quite a gem of a pick. I expect big things for Mario Monds. Big effort type of player. Plays the run well. A better pass rusher than most NT's you will find.

Gerard Warren 6-4, 310, (Junior) Florida Warren has declared that he will enter the draft as a Junior. Many see Warren as a big possibility for the Packers, and I am not surprised. Still, Warren is a very good player, good quickness. Gets in the backfield quick. Tough hard-nosed player who needs to improve his consistency but is a legit pro prospect.

John Schlecht 6-0, 290 Minnesota One of my personal favorites. Schlecht would be a great 2nd round or 3rd round pick. A little under-sized but if you could measure a players heart Schlecht would have one of the biggest. Hustles more than just about any player I have seen in 15 years. Just a 110% motor that doesn't stop. Finds a way into the backfield disrupting the run and rushing the passer. I expect Schlecht to be a bigtime starting DT for whoever is fortunate enough to grab him. I watch Minnesota sometimes scouting other players and darned if Schlecht doesn't just grab your attention constantly with his hustle and intensity. Give me a team full of John Schlecht type players and I'll win 3 Super Bowls in a row.

Shawn Worthen 6-1, 310 TCU Worthen is a NT type who I am not as impressed by as others are. He plays the run well and hustles well but needs more consistency. Not quite as quick laterally as I would like to see. Someone to watch carefully in the all-star games to see just how good he is.

Willie Howard Stanford A definite possibility for the Packers. Great character and smarts, all out hustle and heart. I project him to a power DE though not DT. A very good pass rusher.

This much we know: MLB Ron Wolf is a bigtime Bernardo Harris fan, he always has been and gave Bernardo the hefty raise after the Super Bowl appearances, of all the players on the salary cap bubble, most likely Harris and perhaps Butler will remain another year or two. Harris has thrived in the new scheme which allows him to play instinctively and shoot the gap and disrupt things. On the flip side of the coin this new D requires a great MLB to really work and Bernardo, despite having one of his best years in a few years, is merely a stop-gap. A 1st round pick who could indeed be the Packers MLB of the future would be Dan Morgan of Miami, a player who is a consistent tackler who would upgrade the positon in terms of speed and athleticism. Another 1st round possibility is Florida State LB Brian Allen who plays SSOLB but whom I project to MLB in the NFL. Either Morgan or Allen could provide the speed quickness and tenacity to be bigtime MLB's in the Packers "shark attack" one gap D. Still, there are a few other positions that are of greater need for Green Bay right now, so I don't as of now see Ron Wolf using a 1st round pick on MLB. That said if either Allen or especially Morgan (who could start at WSOLB and then grow into the MLB position) fall into Wolf's lap in round 1 don't be surprised to see one of them become Green Bay Packers. A 3rd round possibility is Oklahoma's Torrance Marshall, who has shown great leadership, tenacity and tackling ability in a bigtime football program. Marshall is a player I am bigger on than many scouts, he could provide great value at his draft position. Some scouts question his instincts and down grade him due to questionable speed (4.6 at best maybe 4.7). Marshall is one of those players I just have a feeling on. Many scouts are starting to whisper about Edgerton Hartwell-MLB-Western Illinois as being the big-time sleeper pick of the draft ala Brian Urlacher last year. One of those scouts is Patty, whose opinions I respect greatly. I have not seen enough on Hartwell to know for sure, but what I have seen I am impressed with him. I will be closely watching Hartwell in the Blue-Gray All-Star game.

Dan Morgan-MLB-Miami Just a pure LB. I think he'll be an All-Pro. He's got the good old-fashioned LB'er mentality. Gets hurt and his attitude is rub some dirt on it and send me back in. Fanatstic technique on his tackling. Wraps up, hits low and completes the tackle. Fundamentals that a lot of kids lack these days. Some project him back to OLB, I'd put him at MLB and let him disrupt ball carriers and wreak havoc all over the field. 4.5 speed but fantastic instincts and quick first steps on a play. Very good in coverage. Big time performer at a big time school. team leader type. I expect big things out of Morgan. I get somewaht concerned about his injuries but he plays thru pain with almost a Dick Butkus mentality.

Edgerton Hartwell-LB-Western Illinois I have only seen a little of this kid but he is starting to get the whispers and the hype that Brian Urlacher got last year. Patty, a well respected scout, swears that he's the kid to watch and that alone would be enough to keep my eyes on him, but I'm also hearing about him from a few others too. 6-1 241, projects to inside LB. Moves extremely well. Hard hitter. I will be watching him closely and rewinding the tape over and over in the Blue-Gray game and whatever other all-star games he plays in against Division 1-A talent to get a good idea of what he can do. From the limited tape I have seen on him he looks like a Ray Lewis type player, but I need to see him vs the best players in the nation to know more.

Torrance Marshall-MLB-Oklahoma 6-2, 247. Marhall is the player I really just have a "feeling about". Him and Dan Morgan. While Morgan will probably be gone in round 1, Marshall just might last into round 3 (though some are saying round 2 already). Needs to improve his first step/instincts. He's not a complete, polished MLB like Morgan is, but he's extremely talented, tough, and a hard worker. He's stepping up big for Oklahoma, playing well in big games. His speed (4.6 or 4.7 40) might be what makes him available in round 3, but he plays faster than that. He's good in coverage. Gets low when he hits. Fills the lane well on running plays. Tremendous upside.

LeRoy Butler and his "heir apparent":
Butler has come on in the last few eeks, proving again that a vet like him who may have lost a step still has the durability as the season goes on to step it up later in the season when the younger players are hitting the wall. Butler has also benefited from being able to free-lance around the line of scrimmage more. He is a smart player who still plays the run solidly near the LOS.. That said, THIS we know, Butler has a year or two left at best.Could his replacement already be on the roster?? Some have speculated about Tod McBride or Antuan Edwards. Edwards cannot stay healthy and imho does NOT have the toughness to be an NFL starting safety. He is trade bait. It'd be much better to get an extra 3rd round pick outta him or better than continue trying to fit him in. McBride is a possibility but I like McBride better as a nickel back. Gary Berry's career may be over due to neck injury. The answer could be in Florida State Safety Derrick Gibson who has the size 6-2 210, range tenacity and athleticism to be a Pro Bowl safety. If the Packers can re-sign Darren Sharper and draft Gibson they will have the best tandem of safeties in the NFL bar none. Do not under-estimate the importance of safeties in this defense, remember the Bronco's tandem of Tyrone Braxton and Steve Atwater during their back to back Super Bowl run. Like Dan Morgan, Gibson would be difficult for the packers to pass up. Possibilities in round 3 (where we have an extra pick, and where we will likely see a Safety taken if we don't grab Gibson) are Jarrod Cooper of Kansas State, a hard hitter and a tough character, and Al Blades of Miami, another hard hitting, very athletic player from a big time school. Adam Archuleta of Arizona is hurtling up draft boards. He's 6-0 213 and has been playing a lot of OLB in college but projects to safety in the NFL. Very good athleticism and simply a tremendous hitter. Some have speculated that Archuleta may rise all the way into round 1. I am betting that RW would only take Gibson in round 1 of the safeties but if Archuleta is there in round 2 he may become a Packers. he has the potential to be a John Lynch type player.

Derrick Gibson---Florida State, Senior Safety, 6-2, 205, 4.4 40 Gibson is my favorite 1st round prospect for the Packers. He's a tenacious, big-time hitting, clutch performing safety who time and again has had his biggest games in FSU's biggest games. The biggest of them all was the 1999 National Championship game where he had many tackles including a sack and a forced fumble on Michael Vick. Gibson could step right in and start for any team in the NFL. He is often compared by scouts to LeRoy Butler, and that is a fair comparison except I feel he doesn't have Butler's hands so he probably won't have as many INT's as Butler did in his prime but is a harder hitter than Butler ever was. Butler in his prime was a linebacker playing safety and Gibson is similar, though by that I don't at all mean that he doesn't have safety speed and agility. Benches over 400 pounds. Very tough, great athletic ability, he will absolutely tattoo anyone who comes into his zone, a fantastic and dangerous blitzer. I predict that barring injury (and he has been extremely durable in college) Derrick Gibson will be one of the greatest NFL Safeties of all-time.

Initial Assessment, November 19th: Offense

Dorsey Levens is yet again injured, but Ahman Green has shown (in my opinion) that he has what it takes to be a #1 RB in the NFL. There has been talk of Levens being a salary cap victim, but I am hopeful that Levens can get his contract restructured and return to the Packers. I believe he could be a real force as a 3rd down back for the Packers ala Roger Craig of the 49ers in the 80's. IF Levens is not re-signed that will be a real clue that the Packers will be looking to draft a big RB in round 2 or 3, players like Anthony Thomas, Adrian peterson, or Jamar Toombs come to mind. Antonio Freeman is a #2 WR playing at #1, drawing double teams and sometimes dropping passes AND getting into trouble on and off the field. Bill Schroeder is a great #3 WR playing slightly better than average #2 WR and sometimes dropping passes. Corey Bradford is a #3 WR who has been hurt most of the season. I am of the belief that without Brett Favre this team could be 2-8 right now or even 1-9. It is absolutely IMPERATIVE that we surround our franchise QB, 3 time MVP future Hall of Fame QB Brett Favre with much more talent at WR and soon!!

WR Wide Receivers are needed in bunches. Ron Wolf loves David Terrell, but then so do 31 other NFL GM's and Terrell will be gone in the first 3 picks, likely going #1 to San Diego if Vick doesn't come out. Rod Gardner of Clemson fits the Packers criteria well. He is big 6-3 215 strong and durable, and fast (about a 4.5 40, which is not a super fast 40 time, but he has a very very quick first few steps and he is a good route runner). people in the know who are quietly rooting for Gardner to become a Packer are hoping that Gardner's 4.5 40 time will allow him to drop into the Packers lap in round 1 where only perhaps Derrick Gibson (or perhaps Dan Morgan or Damione Lewis if RW has fallen in love with them) still being available would keep Mr Gardner from becoming Favre's new #1 target. Gardner has the strength and leaping ability to go up and take the ball away from defenders. Some scouts are saying Gardner is a purely possesion receiver which I think is false. Because of his quickness and route running ability Gardner is a deep threat as well as a dependable WR across the middle. I believe that Gardner and Terrell are the only WR's on the Packers draft board for round 1. Chris Chambers has been talked about by some scouts as a first round talent, but Chambers drops the pass too often and we already have 3 WR's on the team who have trouble dropping passes. Because of Chambers' great athleticiam (4.3 40, 4% bodyfat at 6-1 210) and big upsode potential he would be hard to pass on if he drops to round 2. ESPECIALLY if RW is able to package Antuan Edwards with another draft pcik in order to get an extra 2nd round pick. Personally I expect great things out of Santana Moss who has great hands, speed, and has proven time and again in big games that he is a clutch player. I am hopeful that Mr Wolf will consider Moss but due to Moss being 5-9 that is probably wishful thinking. Some lucky team will be getting a special player in Moss who despite his size can high jump 7 feet and is solidly built enough to get off the line of scrimmage. I predict greatness for Santana Moss, with his speed and big play potential he can draw the double team and open up the rest of the field. the NFL team that drafts him will be very lucky. ***Keep in mind that Ron Wolf has NEVER drafted a WR in round one***. There are a number of intriguing prospects for rounds 2 and 3 though: Ohio State's Reggie Germany and Ken-Yon Rambo (if Rambo drops), Miami's Reggie Wayne, and Wisconsin's Chris Chambers among others. Reggie Wayne is my personal 2nd round choice, he doesn't get as much hype as his team-mate Santana Moss but he looks like a very good prospect. Many have speculated that Wayne could be a target of Ron Wolf's in round 2. Wayne brings very good speed athleticism and big play ability to the game. He needs to improve his concentration but he displays the athletic ability to be a top WR in the NFL. I have hopes that Anthony Lucas can come back strong next year from injury and become the big play WR he has the potential to be. I also still have high hopes for Donald Driver, as he has shown flashes of brilliance.

Wide Receiver Scouting Reports, the 1st two rounds

Koren Robinson-WR-NC State Suddenly there are two for sure impact WR's in this draft if Robinson declares and I rate Robinson as the best. At 6-2 200 he has the size speed and intangibles to be a Pro Bowl player. Huge big play ability. A combination of speed quickness and fluidity of motion. Comes back to the ball and catches with his hands. Great yards after catch ability. Big time hustle and blocking skills. Very good hands. Robsinson reminds me somewhat of Terrell Owens in terms of style and of Randy Moss and Torry Holt in terms of potential to make an instant impact. Pro Bowl potential as a rookie. To see just how good I think Robinson, read my profile of David Terrell next who I think isn't quite as good as Robinson!

David Terrell-WR-Junior-Michigan THIS is the guy, the impact player the future Pro Bowler the difference maker. If Terell comes out he will likely go in the first 3 picks. Great hands, quickness, runs great routes. reminds me somewhat of Cris Carter in that he doesn't have speed burner speed (though he's not slow, maybe 4.45 40) but he'll find ways to get open and he'll make catches. To me the only chance the packers have at terrell is by trading Hasselbeck and moving up with that extra round 1 pick. Terrell is one of those rare rookie WR's who could be a difference maker in his rookie year. He's about 6-2 210, solidly built, stpes up in big games. Barring injury U can set aside a spot in the Hall of Fame for this kid, he's THAT good.

Rod Gardner-WR-Senior-Clemson A very good prospect, I rank him #2 among WR's in this draft. Likely to go around pick #7-14, so he could be there for the packers just by moving up a little or even by stayng put. He's a big WR (about 6-3 220). Very good hands. Runs great routes. Extremely quick first few steps. Runs about a 4.5 40. Steps it up in big games. Many don't see him as a deep threat and see him more as a move the chains type WR, I don't...because of his quickness and precise route running, his long arms and his size and ability to take the ball away from the smaller DB's inthe air he most certainly will be a deep threat in the NFL. He's a favorite of supackman, a scout on the Rivals Packers Draft Board whose opinions I trust and respect.

Chris Chambers-WR-Senior-WisconsinChambers is 6-1 205. Very soldily built. Very fast, runs a consistent 4.3 40 and was even timed at 4.2 in the 40 on Wisconsin's fast track. I rank him as the 3rd best WR in this draft. Struggled early with injuries and inconsistencies, but has come on in his last 4 games displaying once again the spectacular catching ability and great speed that I have come to admire over 4 years of watching this kid develop. May have even higher upside potential than anyone realizes because we have never seen him in a passing offense with a great QB. He has repeatedly made the fantastic catch as Wisconsin QB's rarely seem to put the ball right on the money. Equally adept at running the quick out or as a deep threat. Needs to improve his concentration as he will drop a few passes, and I really feel its a correctable thing, he is a reach and plucker (hands catcher) so its not his technique, he just needs more time to learn to concenmtrate on catching the ball. Usually he is a very solid WR though. Projects to somewhere in the 1st round if he runs the 40 as fast as I think he will and wows them at the Senior Bowl as much as I think he will. If the Packers end up with 2 1sts and stay put in round 1 he is a possibility for the Packers in round 1 if Gardner and Terrell are gone. I get the early feeling that the Packers might look at Chambers more as a 2nd round pick, but I don't think he'll last into round 2. It might be a bad mistake to let Chambers go. Who knows just how good this kid could be with a QB like Brett Favre putting it right in his hands all the time. Did I mention: BIG upside potential.

Santana Moss-WR-Senior-Miami This kid is something else. In some ways I might rank him as the 2nd best WR for his potential, but I'll keep him tied with Chambers as the #3 WR for now. He is 5-9 but very strong and solidly built, and he has amazing leaping ability, fantastic hands, incredible quickness, great moves, and plays great in the clutch. he also is a better kick and punt returner than just about everyone in the NFL. So why is he ranked just at #3?? because this is a Packers draft guide, and Ron Wolf NEVER drafts WR's that short, certainly not in the early rounds (and Moss will be gone in round 1 for sure). Could Santana Moss be the proverbial exception to the rule? U won't find me shedding a tear on draft day but I will be truely shocked for the reasons I just stated. he's a dangerous threat to take it tthe house whenever he touches the ball. Just take a look at Wayne Chebret of the Jets to see a difference making WR at 5-9. And I project Moss to be better than Chebret.

Quincy Morgan-WR-Senior-Kansas State The next ranked WR for me. Many are down on this kid because of his many dropped passes. I take a risk on him in round 2. THis is one talented athlete. Great size at about 6-2 205. Fantastic speed, agility, big play ability. Like Antonio Freeman he's a body catcher and like Freeman he will always have his share of dropped passes but I also think he could be a game breaking Pro Bowl player like Freeman was circa '96-'98. Because of his inconsistency he sould be there in round 2 and be a great value pick there.

Snoop Minnis-WR-Senior-Florida State having a very successful senior season for FSU, stepping in for the departed Peter Warrick and not losing a beat as the go-to guy in a very powerful offense. Steps up bigtime in big games, which all scouts like to see. (I don't have exact stats on him yet but will post his stats when I get them, he looks to be about 6-0 180). Very very quick athlete. Runs a very quick slant route as well as a dangerous out route, get seperation from the defender and is a legit deep threat. Had decent enough hands. Looks to be way too skinny. Will need to gain some strength in order to be ready for the NFL, but does appear to be quick enough and runs good enough routes to start in the NFL after he learns the game more and develops more physically. Needs to improve his consistency in route running as sometimes he is electrifying and other times he is so-so. These are not faults which I think will prevent him from making it in the NFL, just things he will need to improve upon in order to be a starting WR in the NFL. Its hard to get a read on where to project him being picked...I am betting he is rising up draft charts, currently at late 1st or early 2nd round. I consulted with Boomer, a reputable scout, about Minnis, and he pretty much agreed with my assessments and added that Minnis has a great ability to go to the ball and take it away from the DB.

Running Back--- For a while there it was looking like Dorsey Levens was going to be a certain salary cap victim. This is still a possibility, though now it is looking like Levens is willing to re-negotiate his contract to make it much more cap friendly. If Dorsey can come back from injury and be 100% he remains the true great workhorse RB. He's a very very good RB who can move the chains and is a favorite target of #4 Brett Favre. Still it is appearing that we may indeed have Leven's heir apparent in Ahman Green.Green has played very very well at times, and while being somewhat inconsistent, and still having problems with the occasional fumble and dropped pass, he looks like a player who can be counted on to be the Packers' #1 RB of both the present and future. Green has 4.2 speed, can run inside and outside, and is getting better and better as the season goes on. He hits the hole fast and explodes upfield. Green is giving us more speed at the RB position than I believe we have ever had. I believe Green is a better RB prospect than any RB coming out in the 2001 draft or in free agancy (besides maybe Corey Dillon, who we cannot afford). Green is a restricted free agent after the season, so the Packers will need to match any offers made to him, and I now think its imperative that they DO re-sign Green. Green's emergence as a true starting RB makes it much easier to deal with whatever happens with Levens, as well as allowing the Packers to not have to draft a RB early. De'Mon Parker probably does not have what it takes to be the #1 RB, but he could be a 3rd down/change of pace back. Fullback is solid with William Henderson. Henderson is a very good blocker and a tough player who also has fairly good hands out of the backfield, and is willing to do whatever the team asks of him, including very solid special teams play of late. I believe Henderson is a vastly under-rated player by many Packers fans and media and some of the success of players like Levens and Green at RB is due to William Henderson's great lead blocking skills. I have heard rumors of Henderson possibly retiring early but I believe we shall see henderson continue to play at a high level for a few years now. As for possible draft choices at RB it is no secret that RW loves Deuce McAllister, but much like David Terrell so do most of the NFL's GM's and it is doubtful that Deuce will be there when we pick. Because of durability questions/injuries McAllister could possibly slide to where the Packers pick, but again I doubt it. For the record I would not take Deuce, mainly because of durability questions but also because I believe he is slightly over-hyped and may not be a star in the NFL. He doesn't seem to have the all out speed (I have heard his true 40 time will be close to 4.5) or the super strong tackle breaking ability to be a star RB in the NFL. I don't think McAllister will be durable enough to be carrying the ball 20-25 times per game week in and week out in the NFL however I do think McAllister could be a very effective 3rd down back along the lines of a Roger Craig, he's very good catching passes out of the backfield. Deuce has great vision and a smooth running style. Very fluid movements. Do U spend a 1st on a 3rd down back? Its probably irrelevant because most likely Deuce will be gone before RW picks. The main concern though is that he is so injury prone despite sharing the RB role at Ole Miss. Its possible though, that if Deuce runs a 4.5 40 and theres lingering concerns over injuries that he could fall to us in round 1, and I don't believe that Wolf would pass on him if that happens. IF we DO end up with Deuce McAllister in a Packers uniform all I can do is hope that he can stay healthy and live up to his potential as a Chuck Foreman/Roger Craig type RB. Possible 2nd round picks could include Anthony Thomas of Michigan, Travis Henry of Tennessee, Dan Alexander of Nebraska James Jackson of Miami, and LaDainian Tomlinson of TCU. I am much bigger on Tomlinson than many scouts: while its true that Tomlinson does play in an option offense, he gets the ball out of the I formation too, and he has the big play ability to take it to the house. Tomlinson has fantastic balance and can change direction on a dime. I heard one scout compare his balance to Barry Sanders and while I would NOT go that far I will say that as of NOW when most scouts are calling Tomlinson a 2nd or 3rd or even 4th round pick that he is THE #1 most UNDER-RATED STEAL OF THE DRAFT!!! I think Tomlinson will be a star impact starting RB in the NFL and think he'll be a HUGE steal if he falls to the late 2nd or 3rd round as some have speculated. Thomas, Alexander and Henry all have their similarities to Edgar Bennett and could do a fine job of being a move the chains workhorse type of back. A couple of small school players to keep an eye on: DeAngelo Evans and Adrian Peterson, both of whom could be big surprises in the 2001 NFL season. Generally RW stays away from small school players until the later rounds, but Evans, who formerly starred for Nebraska before transferring to Emporia State, just might get an extra look, though there are serious concerns about his durability and his attitude, his talent cannot be denied. Evans could be a 2nd day bargain pick. I like Ohio state RB Derek Combs a great deal. He's got very good speed (4.37, some Buckeye's fans insist he runs a 4.2 but I'd say 4.37) and he can run hard inside as well as bounce it outside. He has only started one season so he doesn't have a lot of wear and tear on his body and he plays with the tenacity and toughness that many Buckeye RB's play with. Combs could be a great 3rd or 4th round pick (thinking that we will get ourselves a 4th round pick) if we haven't picked a RB by then. Much has been made of Wisconsin's Michael Bennett who has literal world class speed and may be the fastest football player alive on the planet right now. Bennett is just a Junior and being that I live in Madison and "hear things" from what I have heard he will be returning to college for his Senior year, a run at the Heisman trophy, and a surefire spot in the top 5 picks of the 2002 draft. Bennett is a special athlete (legit 4.2 40 speed) and one to watch if he surprises many and declares for the 2001 draft. 2 other great Junior RBs to watch are Auburn's Rudi Johnson and Oregon's Maurice Morris. Morris might be the most complete RB I have seen in college this year, he is destined to be a star in the NFL. He has similar skills to Bennett (while being a half a step slower) but while Bennett is raw and still learning the position Morris is a polished RB with great instincts and vision who looks like he could step right into an NFL backfield. Johnson has announced he's returning for his Senior year. He looks like another 2002 1st round pick, great inside runner who often requires 3 or 4 men to bring him down.

OFFENSIVE LINE This will be a situation to watch carefully and see what develops, because it will directly affect the Packers draft, even possibly round 1. Ross Verba will almost certainly be allowed to go in free agency, which will mean replacing a starting left guard. I am beginning to think that Michigan's Steve Hutchinson could be that player. Hutchinson could step right in and start at Guard for the Packers and temaed with Chad Clifton would make what has long been a weakness (the left side of our OL) into a strength. Hutchinson is a fierce competitor, an equally talented run blocker and pass blocker, a mauler and a tough guy. Chad Clifton and Mark Tauscher could indeed be the new bookend OT's for the Packers. Marco Rivera is a vastly under-rated Right Guard (under-rated by most fans and media, not apparently by the players and coaches). Frank Winters is another likely salary cap casualty, but we have Mike Flanagan waiting in the wings to take over at Center. So the question remains? what happens at left guard? Some have speculated that Mark Tauscher could play guard (in which case look for the Packers to draft a tackle to play on the right side, there is no certanty that Earl Dotson can come back, not can we likely afford to keep him salary cap-wise) but it seems he is better suited to tackle. Craig Heimburger is reportedly having a solid year on or practice squad and could be the new Left Guard. I am of the thinking that Steve Hutchinson could be high on the Packers list at Left Guard.

Steve Hutchinson, OG, Michigan 6-5 305, Senior In my opinion the best Guard in the nation, better than any guard in the last two or three drafts....very strong at the point of attack, with the mental intensity and killer instinct U look for in a Guard. I've seen this guy time and again hustling 30 to 40 yards down the field just to lay an extra block out on a screen pass or draw play. Good to very good quickness and speed pulling out. Equally solid as a pass blocker and run blocker. A mauler type who will protect the QB. because this position has been a weakness for a few years for now, this may indeed be the direction the Packers go in round 1.


1) the trade Matt Hasselbeck scenario. This has been going on forever. Will the Packers trade Hass? They want at LEAST a 1st round pick for him. Would they settle for a 2nd? It is appearing much more likely now that Hasselbeck will be traded as Ron Wolf needs more impact players for the Packers more than he needs Hasselbeck as a back-up QB. Trading Hass for a 1st round pick would give the Packers a lot of options in round 1. Of course much can change between now and the draft. QB's are always in demand. There is no doubt that there is constant negotiation and trade talks going on between several teams and Ron Wolf. RW would love to have two 1st round picks in 2001. IF he can get a 1st round pick he goes for it, otherwise he stands pat.

2) Wolf has been spending a great deal of time scouting the University of Miami and Ohio State University. Miami players are easy to pick out: Morgan, DT Damione Lewis (rumored to be a RW favorite and a strong 1st or 2nd round possibility who would replace santana Dotson) and WR's Santana Moss and Reggie Wayne. Many have speculated that Ohio State players WR's Reggie Germany and Ken-Yon Rambo are Wolf favorites, as well as CB Nate Clements. That would not surprise me though I believe he also likes RB Derek Combs. Keep in mind that Wolf like to get value picks in rounds 3 and 4, this is where we may likely see WR and RB's taken while Packers fans will be screaming for a big name RB or WR in round 1. IF the hasselbeck trade goes down we may actually see a WR or RB taken in round 1 (Rod Gardner, Santana Moss as possible WR's...many have speculated that Wolf likes Deuce McAllister a great deal and if McAllister slips then Wolf grabs him quick) HOWEVER if the Hass trade doesn't go down, do not at all be surprised to see Wolf take care of other positions first and target players like wayne, Germany, Clements, etc in rounds 3 and 4.

3) Darren and Jamie Sharper Darren is having a Pro Bowl season so far, tied for the NFL lead in INT's with 6 and really actualizing his tremendous potential. It is no secret that the Packers are making re-signing Sharper a top priority for the off-season. Jamie Sharper is a very talented LB for the Ravens (and Darren's brother) who would fit into the packers defense perfectly. The Ravens are looking like they will not have the cap room to re-sign Jamie. Both Jamie and Darren have publically stated that they would love to play on the same team together. I am betting that the Packers make a serious run at Jamie Sharper in free agency provided they are able to clear the cap room to do so. Signing Jamie would free the Packers up to do other things in the draft, though I still think RW would find it tough to pass on Dan Morgan if he fell right into his lap, being that Morgan fit's RW's criteria of a "tough hard-nosed football player" to a T.

4) Derrick Brooks After the Tampa Bay game, Ron Wolf went out of his way to go to the Bucs locker room and meet Tampa Bay's All-World OLB Derrick Brooks. Now while I wouldn't make a big deal of it for now, file it away in your memory banks that when Brooks becomes a free agent RW will go all-out for signing Derrick Brooks. RW has said on more than one occasion that there are very few players that are worth throwing huge amounts of $$$ at in free agency. I am betting Brooks, who fits any defense but especially a one gap like ours to a T, is one of those exceptions to RW's rule.

5) Its Mike Sherman as our new GM...I for one am thrilled with this move. The question remains: who will truely be the scouting head: Ken herock or John Dorsey. I think we may eventually see Dorsey be the #2 guy behind Sherman.

6)Trading Antuan Edwards Edwards does not appear to be durable enough to be a starting Safety. The Packers already have an extra 3rd round pick obtained in the Aaron Brooks to New orleans trade. RW wants to stockpile picks in this draft. Look for RW to package Edwards with a draft pick (perhaps a 4th round pick in 2002) in order to get an extra 2nd round pick in the 2001 draft. if Darren Sharper is not re-signed, we definitely won't see Edwards traded

7)Packers 1st roound pick(s) IF the Packers end up with 2 first round picks and I think they will from dealing Hasselbeck, look for them to stay put with those 2 picks and with one of those two picks will take either Rod Gardner or Chris Chambers depending on which one is still there when they pick. Also look for RW to do his famous pre-draft smokescreening talk away from Chambers in talking up another Wisconsin player (perhaps Jamar Fletcher or Wendell Bryant) to draw the attention off of Chambers, who is looking more and more like an NFL WR.......the thinking is that Gardner and Terrell are the guys the Packers really want but that they both may be gone and that Chambers is a very good 1st round prospect...... THEN with the other 1st round pick we will see RW going defense most likely DL unless Dan Morgan is there. I have heard similar to others that the Packers like Quincy Morgan but that he is being looked at as a 2nd round choice not a 1st....also continue to hear rumblings that the Packers like Steve Hutchinson OG Michigan quite a bit and if for some reason their other targeted players are gone or depending on what goes down with other moves in the off-season could surprise many of us and take Hutchinson to play OG, who teamed with Clifton on the left side could give us one tremendous left side of the line to protect Brett's blind side and open up big holes. Hutchinson is an amazingly good guard on screen plays. Finally another Michigan player, Anthony Thomas, is said to be high on the Packers list as a 2nd or 3rd round gem at RB, but only if Dorsey Levens isn't re-negotiated and back next year


Terry Charles-WR-Portland State Put Mr Charles down as the #1 sleeper in the history of the draft since Walter Payton and Jerry Rice I am not outta my mind, I'm not saying Charles will be as good as the two greatest players in NFL history (imho), just that he could be as big of a sleeper, I am amzed that I have not seen his name anywhere mentioned as a prospect. I think he could become a pro Bowl WR. Charles is a Junior this year, he's 6-4 190 with fantastic hands, balance, leaping ability......He looks like he could be a fantastic steal if he comes out early since he won't be playing in any all-star games. Amazing agility and body control.

Adam Boomer-LB-Montana 6-2 230 pounds, 4.6 40. Boomer is a huge hitter and a tough player. Extremely fundamentally sound. Very coachable, great character. A true LB mentality, excellent blitzer. Needs to improve his coverage skills. Projects to MLB in the NFL. Should be a late round gem who could with time develop into a very solid MLB in the NFL, most likely as a back-up and a special teams demon but perhaps as a starter. Reminds me somewhat of Jim Nelson. Montana is rated #1 in the ocuntry in Division 1-AA but I'm am unsure whether Boomer will be invited to any all-star games. He could be an undrafted free agent who makes a team/ Well worth a late round pick imho. (Theres a Packers connection at Montana incidently as the Defensive Line Coach Hauck is the uncle of former Packers and current eagles safety Tim Hauck. **also watch for Etu Molden, 6-2 190 Junior WR Montana, to be a sleeper WR prospect for the 2002 draft.)

Patrick Chukwura-DE/OLB-Wyoming 6-2 240 pounds Senior. Chukwura should be hurtling up the draft boards as we get closer to April. Just an amazingly quick pass rusher with great speed off the edge. Many scouts will project him to play OLB in the NFL, especially in a 3-4 defense. I would keep him at DE, let him gain some more size, and have a truely special pass rusher on my hands. I think he could be utilized much like Keith McKenzie was but he's much quicker off the snap of the ball than McKenzie ever was. Needs to improve at wrapping up and finishing his tackles. If moved to OLB, he will require time to adjust, but would be a very scary blitzing OLB along the lines of a Kevin Greene. Definitely someone to watch in the all-star games. He showed tremendous character hustling all out thru the final play of the final game while playing on a team that went 1-10.

Roger Knight-OLB-Wisconsin Knight has had an up and down season (really an up and down career) but his quickness and athletic ability is undeniable. Projects to OLB in the NFL. He's a dangerous blitzer and a firey LB when on top of his game. Going into the season I was watching him as a sleeper who could get into day one with a tremendous season. I will downgrade that now but still think he could be a 5th or 6th rounder who could really surprise and not only make a team but eventually start. IF he finishes the season strong and grades out very well in all-star games look for him to perhaps get into round 4. He has showed up bigtime in big games including the 2000 Rose Bowl.

Rick Crowell-OLB-Colorado State6-3 240 excellent 4th or 5th round prospect. Great playmaking ability. Tough with very good instincts. Makes the quick move on the ball to get the INT, and will step up and hit hard. He's a 6th year Senior after receiving a medical redshirt this season. Looks like he has fully recovered from injury and has had a very solid season for Colorado State. Not a flashy player but one who just gets the job done consistently and has a nose for being around the ball. Might be able to play MLB in the NFL.

THE EXTREMELY EARLY DRAFT BOARD (this is how I predict the Packers see it, not how I would do it):

Round 1: Dan Morgan---Gerard Warren---Jamal Reynolds---Andre Carter---David Terrell---Koren Robinson---Deuce McAllister---Damione Lewis---Jamar Fletcher---Rod Gardner---Quincy Morgan---Freddie Mitchell---Santana Moss---

Round 2: Damione Lewis(its not clear whether he'll be a 1st or 2nd rounder, if he's a 2nd rounder Wolf grabs him)John SChlecht---Quincy Morgan---James Jackson---Reggie Wayne---Travis Henry---Dan Alexander--Adam Archuleta---Torrance Marshall

Round 3: Karon Riley---Cedric Scott----Reggie Germany---Reggie Wayne------Al Blades---Jeff Backus

Round 4: Derek Combs---Torrance Marshall

How I would pick the draft
trade Hasselbeck to get a 1st round pick

1a)Koren Robinson

1b)Dan Morgan

2) Damione Lewis (maybe thats a stretch but I hope he drops here)

3a)Anthony Thomas

3b)Karon Riley

How I predict Ron Wolf would pick if the draft were today

1) Jamal Reynolds, Andre Carter, Justin Smith, Dan Morgan or Damione Lewis, in that order, whoever is available at pick #10
2) Reggie Wayne or best available WR if the Packers didn't select a WR in round 1, and if the Packers DO get a WR in round 1 they grab Torrance Marshall LB Oklahoma.
3a) Brian Allen or best available LB (unless of course we get D Morgan at pick #10)
3b) Karon Riley or Cedric Scott
3c) Offensive lineman

(Do U think maybe Brett Favre would enjoy having a receiving corps of Koren Roninson or Quincy Morgan and Antonio Freeman, with Bill Schroeder as a #3 WR??? I think so.......However its realistic to think that at the very least RW grabs Robinson or Morgan or Rod Gardner in round one if he falls to us, and another WR in round 3 or 4 possibly, which would still seriously upgrade our WR corps. Also if RW pulls the trigger on trading Hasselbeck for a mid to early first round pick we could see BOTH Koren Robinson and Dan Morgan in Packers uniforms.I think theres an outside chance that RW might have Damione Lewis higher on his draft board than many teams do.

Special thanks

to my friends at the Packers Rivals Draft Board including but not limited to Terranimal, Pyment, supackman, Patty, Shawn, pilprin, mancl, Sneakers, Bob Barnes, RolrocLord, Withrow Warlord, carp, gr8gonzo, Swizz, wolfman, Rags and many more....... also special thanks to former Pro Bowl Safety and two time Super Bowl champion Denver Bronco and Miami Dolphin Tyrone Braxton for words of wisdom and for leading by example.

what the Packers MUST do


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