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Miyama Ryu News

Bella Vista Anniversary and Dai Shihan D'Arcy Rahming visit

On February 21st, The Bella Vista dojo celebrated another aniversary of hard work, in this visit the dojo had the honor to have Dai Shihan D'Arcy Rahming, he is the Dai Shihan for The Bahamas and is the writer of several books of the Miyama Ryu System, see the pictutes in the photo section, some of the studets received the new ranks in this celebration.

Police tactics training in The Bella Vista Dojo

On December 2003 the second training of Miyama Ryu Police Tactics was performed by Shihan Cordero, students from the dojo took it,the training covered tonfa techniques, control, weapons etc.

Dai Shihan of the United States Visit Bella Vista Dojo

On November 18th Dai Shihan Demetrios Milliaressis visited the Bella Vista Dojo in the Dominican Republic, in his visit he performed a three day clinic and lead the black belt ceremony where many black belts received their certificates.

In this ceremony O'Sensei Omar Echavarria from Miyama Ryu of Miami,O'Sensei Felix Sabala from Miyama Ryu of Texas and O'Sensei Uribe were promoted to the rank of Kaiden last belt of the system which means "everything pass" but as Dai Shihan Milliaressis mentioned this is only another beginning.

go to the photo section to see the pictures of the activity

Orange Belt Test(November02)

On November 6th Gregory Mansur and Adams Pacheco presented their test for the rank of Orange Belt 6th Kyu, they both presented a good test. Congratulations

New members (September 02)

The Miyama Ryu Of Texas welcomes Greg Mansur, Adams Pacheco and Bobby Garcia to the dojo and wishes them the best in their new journey in the Miyama Ryu System

Orange Belt Test

On July 29th of 2002, Daniel Olivas presented his test for 6th Kyu Orange Belt, Daniel passed his test with a very good score, we wish the best luck to Daniel in his new belt and we expect from him the same hard work that he did on his white belt, congratulations

Unity Martial Arts Workshop

On July 20th & July 21st of 2002, O'Sensei Sabala participated on the Unity Martial Arts Workshop hosted by Proffesor Darrell Sarjeant, founder of Kamau Ryu System of Self Defense and the Silent Warrior International Martial Arts Association.

The instructors invited were: Master John Wheaton III instructor of Miyama Ryu Ju-Jutsu (NY), Professor Daniel Marks instructor of Jail House System, Guru Brandt Hassan instructor of Aneh Palu Kali System.

The workshop was very ilustrative with the differents systems presented and the environment in the workshop (was like a family reunion) ,and the Miyama Ryu of Texas extend our thanks to Professor Darrell Sarjeant for the invitation and for letting O'Sensei Sabala teach the Miyama Ryu System on Sunday 21th.

Brown Belt Test

On May 15th,2002 Brandon Barnes presented his test for brown belt 3erd kyu, Brandon presented an excellent test, we wish him the best luck in his new journey in the Miyama Ryu System.

Masters of The Next Generation Training Camp

On April 7th, 2002 O'Sensei Sabala participated on the Masters of The Next Generation Training Camp hosted by Sensei David Jones of Ryukyu Kempo in Watauga, Texas.

The invited instructors were Leon Jay 8th, Degree Black Belt on Small Circle Ju-Jutsu and son of professor Wally Jay (Small Circle Ju-Jutsu founder), Jack Hogan, 8th Degree Balck Belt on Hogan Karate and Bruce Chiu, 5th Degree Black Belt and instructor of Modern Arnis System.

Pictures of the Training camp will be publish in the photo album section very soon.

Bella Vista Dojo in the Domican Republic celebrate aniversary

The Bella Vista Dojo in the Dominican Republic celebrated their aniversary last February 20th, in the celebration they presented a performance showing the techniques of the system, during the celebration the NEW Shihan Alex Fernandez got his belt and certificate for the rank of Kaiden that means "all pass", also the Sensei Joel Tejada got the trophy as SENSEI OF THE YEAR due to his hard work in the Bella Vista Dojo.

Coment from Grand Master Pete Sirigano Jr. from The Goshindo Kempo Karate & Samurai Jiu Jutsu Association

Antonio Periera Founder of Miyama Ryu Jiu Jitsu. This was a TRUE Jiu Jitsu man. The Miyama Dojo in the Bronx, NY is legendary. Sensei Periera was another old school, hardcore Martial Artist. "My way or the highway!" That's what my Dad and I loved most about him. His techniques were devastating!

Article from Hispanic , issue:October 2000

The Hispanic present article about Shihan Candy from Tremont School: Shihan Candy “Warixi” Soto was inducted into the Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame as “The Universal Shihan of the Year” in a ceremony held in Biloxi. The Puerto Rican woman from the Bronx holds the rank of Kaiden (equivalent to 10th degree black belt) in Miyama Ryu Combat ju-jitsu. In addition, she is director and co-founder of Secure Your Child, and director, creator and founder of Female Alternative Street Tactics.

August test

On August 20th of this year two of the students took their tests for new belts,Brandon Barnes for green belt and Dmitry Golub for yellow belt,boths performed very good tests, the school congratulate them for the hard work.

Miyama Ryu Of Texas in the "Latino Wellness Fair"

On August 4th of this year, the school of Miyama Ryu of Texas performed a demostration in the Latino Wellness Fair,O'Sensei Sabala and his students shows some of the techniques to all the audience in the fair.(Check pictures in the photo albums )

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Parts from this website can't be reproduced without a written authorization of Felix Sabala.

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