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!!!SEPTEMBER 2004!!!!!!




It’s been two years this month since I have updated my web site. Two years ago I wrote that football fans everywhere love September because it is the beginning of the season. I have to revise that to say that all football fans, with the exception of Seattle Seahawk fans, love September. For Seahawk fans, September brings the false hope of a new season. This false hope is where we believe that we will finally have a team worth cheering for instead of a mediocre team that hopes to get lucky and make it to the playoffs. The fact is, every Seahawk fans know that we cheer for a mediocre team and that the team needs a lot of luck to get to the playoffs. It really is that simple. So, for those that are still in denial, this is a great time of year.

Two years ago I wrote that autumn is wonderful. I am revising that as well. Autumn sucks. I go to work in the dark and I come home in the dark. Budgeting season will start at work, which will mean even more work then what I have now (which is already having me put in 13 hour days on a regular basis). The only thing good about autumn is that this is the time when clothing manufacturers produce clothes in earth-tone colors. For pasty white guys like me, earth tone colors are what we look half-way decent in. The pansy pastels that come out in the spring make us go from bad to worse. However, I have been reminded that no matter what I do, I will never look as good as Brad Pitt. Nothing truer could ever be said.

Other things I said two years ago I’m not revising. President George Bush is neither compassionate nor a conservative. He is, as I said long ago, a CEO that is there to raid the government coffers for him and his buddies. He is not in power to further the cause of the normal person. How 47% of the people could actually vote for him is mind boggling. Here’s an idea. If you actually plan on voting for Bush again, why don’t you just take an ice pick and ram it through jugular vein? It is actually a better option.

I’ve been accused, just recently, of being a “flaming liberal”. If basing public policy on actual proven principles is “liberal”, well, I am guilty as charged. For the dopes in the “red states”, that would imply that you believe in public policy that is, well, ignorant (I realize that is a three-syllable word, so have the librarian look it up for you). Stupid people call us college graduates “elitists”. Look, you moron, we are sticking up for you with our “college educated thinking”. Call us what you want, at least we have all of our teeth.

I am off to do some “liberal reading”. I’ll keep the same quote on as I had two years ago.

“Other people’s dysfunction is pleasurable (Kat Grlz, 6/15/2002)".


Eminem (with Hailey): Okay then! Everybody listen up!

I'm goin' to hell!
Who's comin' with me?

(Hailey) Somebody please help him!
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy...

There's no mountain I can't climb
There's no tower too high
No plane that I can't learn how to fly
What do I gotta do to get through to you
To show you there ain't nothin'
I can't take this chainsaw to?

Fuckin' brains, brawn and brass balls
I cut'em off, and got'em pickled and bronzed
In a glass jar inside of a hall
With my framed autographed sunglasses
With Elton John's name on my drag wall

I'm out the closet
I've been lyin' my ass off
All this time me and Dre
Been fuckin' with hats off (Suck it, Marshall)

So tell Laura and her husband to back off
Before I push this muthafuckin' button and blast off
And launch one at these Russians and that's all
Blow every fuckin' thing except Afghanistan on the map off

When will it stop?
When will I knock the crap off?
Hailey, tell 'em baby
(My Dad's Lost It!!)

There's really nothin' else to say
I can't explain it
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy
A little help from Hailey Jade
Won't you tell 'em baby
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy
There's nothin' you could do or say
That could ever change me
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy
There's no one on earth that can save me
Not even Hailey
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy

It's like my mother always told me
rana rana rana rana rana rana rana rana rana rana
And codeine
And God dammit you little muthafucker
If you ain't got nuthin' nice to say then don't say nuthin

Fuck that shit bitch
Eat a muthafuckin' dick
Chew on a prick
And lick a million muthafuckin' cocks per second

I'd rather put out a mutha fuckin' gospel record
I'd rather be a pussy whipped bitch
Eat pussy
And have pussy lips glued to my face
With a clit ring in my nose
Then quit bringin' my flows

Quit givin' me my ammo.
Can't you see why I'm so mean?
If y'all leave me alone this wouldn't be my M.O.
I wouldn't have to go, eenee, meenee, meini, mo
Catch a homo by his toe

Man I don't know no more
Am I the only fuckin' one who's normal any more?
(Haley) Dad...

There's really nothin' else to say
I can't explain it
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy
A little help from Hailey Jade
Won't you tell 'em baby
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy
There's nothin' you could do or say
That could ever change me
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy
There's no one on earth that can save me
Not even Hailey
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy

My songs can make you cry
Take you by surprise
At the same time
Can make you dry your eyes with the same rhyme

See what you're seein' is a genius at work
Which to me isn't work
So it's easy to misinterpret it at first
Cuz when I speak
It's tongue-in-cheek

I'd yank my fuckin' teeth before I'd ever bite my tongue
I'd slice my gums
Get struck by fuckin' lightning twice at once
And die and come back as Vanilla Ice's son
And walk around the rest of my life spit on
And kicked and hit with shit everytime I sung
Like R. Kelly as soon as "Bump and Grind" comes on

More pain inside of my brain
Than the eyes of a little girl inside of a plane aimed at the World Trade
Standin' on Ronnie's grave
Screamin' at the sky
‘Til clouds gather
It's Clyde Mathers and Bonnie Jade
And that's pretty much the gist of it

The parents are pissed but the kids love it
9 millimeter heater stashed in 2 seaters
With meat cleavers
I don't blame you
I wouldn't let Hailey listen to me neither...

There's really nothin' else to say
I can't explain it
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy
A little help from Hailey Jade
Won't you tell 'em baby
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy
There's nothin' you could do or say
That could ever change me
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy
There's no one on earth that can save me
Not even Hailey
(Hailey) I think my dad's gone crazy

(Haley) Ha Ha Ha …You're Funny Daddy!


For all you tight asses ... click here to get some humor in your life!!

"Click here to help an ugly dude out!!!!!


Yep, this is in Oregon

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