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The Guys


The Meanies


Skate Logos

Me In Depth

A Day In The Park

My Backgrounds

My Hates

My Likes

My Poetry

I-Zone Pix


New York Trip


Hey, I'm hardcore and this is my page. Everything on it is what I think and all that. I'm workin on tryin to add new things but I never get around to it cause I get really mad at this stupid page a lot. This page has been edited as one of the updates but the Lyrics and Poetry part are in the truest form yet so don't look if u can't handle the language

If there is something that you can't read on the page just drag and highlight over it and u will be able to read it cause not all my color schemes are that readable. :(

My page has a lot of harsh stuff but I can't help it it's my view so u either have to deal with it or don't.

Sign the f***in guestbook!!!!I'm gettin kinda bored with my page I don't do anything exciting to make it better if anyone has any cool suggestions for cool stuff let me at

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!