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Copywright© 2000-2002
David Lucitt
GNG fans, this is your site

Welcome to the Techroom. This is your one stop for blaster technology. The techroom was design for those who want to learning more than just how to take their gun apart. It is for those who are always asking 'why?' and want to know why things work the way they work.

The techroom is the home of GNG's modifications, one primary focus of GNG. All the mods you will find here, including the WMG(pictured above), CPS-12000, CPS-shotgun, CPS-machine gun, and others. Find out how you can get the best out of your blaster by custom tuning it.

This page is also the home of the Tech Notes Library. In the library consists of all GNG's blaster technical discoveries and articles. It is the #1 place to learn about the blasters before you attempt mods. If your going to do it, do it right.

Note: This page contains links to pages containing various modifications and alterations. You perform these alterations at your own risk, so please, don't be stupid. Wear safety glasses, don't use a hobby knife unless under parental supervision, and don't attempt any alteration if you intend to hurt anyone with it. You have been warned, you are completely responsible.

About this page: What is this page all about?
Blaster Mods: One of the most currert, up-to-date, and technical resources for water warriors, the GNG modifications.
Blaster Repairs: Had that old broken blaster around but never figured out how to repair it? Find out here!
Painting techniques: How do you paint your blaster? What kind of paint should you use? GNG has lot's of experience in painting, so find out how to do it right, right here.
Open up your blaster: Need some help opening up your blaster to prep it for a mod or repair? No prop, step by step instructions here.
Custom Straps: Tired of those weak Super Soaker traps? Forget them! Make a custom leather strap for your soaker!
Blaster Reviews and tests: Special reviews on some blasters and tests documenting performance.
Projects, experiments, and other things lurking from the lairs of GNG: Whats going on with GNG right now? Find out here.
Tech notes: The Library of tech notes. A must-read for all those interested in the more technical aspects of a blaster, or if you are looking into modification.
Special photos : Special pictures for the techroom that normally wouldn't be part of the regular pictures.