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David Lucitt
GNG fans, this is your site

Medium Guns, Medium Firepower

Why you will never see smaller sized blaster with CPS-2000 firepower.(note: I say firepower, not power. this is very important. Power can mean raw energy, but firepower more accurately describes drenching ability)

Over the course of time, we have often wondered about the CPS-200, the power of it, and having it's power in a small package. Perhaps this is bad new, or, good news in a twisted sort of way. Those desparate for power, this may bring about a peaseful 'end of the road'. Over countless experiments with power, from nozzle changes, system changes, power changes, size changes, I realized something tonight. You will never see a blaster produced with CPS-2000 power that is the size of a CPS-1200 or smaller. I readily make that statement even if the issues of saftey with the 2000s power were not even an issue. Plain and simple, the mdium sized guns will never get that powerful...still interested? Want to find out why? Read on...

As I was doing some experiments with the CPS-12000/1000 tonight, I was trying to solve the problem of overspray at the source, the nozzle. I took the 6-piece off my MX and pressed various nozzle up against the CPS-12/1, and had disappointing results. I have known the MX nozzles to be some of the cleanest nozzles of any soaker, so far as coherency is concerned. Even still, with a rough test, the stream produced with the 11.5 X MX nozzle through a CPS-12/1 system indicated that is was at the very least breaking up at the same consistency of the present nozzle, and even at a weaker power due to the overmaxing of filters. (by the way, filters play an important role in the coherency factor) Now, if all things were considered, the CPS-12/1 is too powerful. Yes, you heard me, too powerful. Not in some ways, like water traveling distance, but in pure nozzle velocity. In otherwords, the water flow rate for the nozzle is smaller than what the gun actually produces, creating almost a block for the water. There is so much pressure trying to get out through a smaller hole that it would need, that is can flow at it's maximum rate and is prevented for becoming an efficient system(although it is still impressive) , but now to get back to the topic-if you think about the situation with the nozzle, and think outside the box, it all becomes a very simple equation.

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