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Copywright© 2000-2002
David Lucitt
GNG fans, this is your site

Other pages around the web that measure up

GNG is not the only site out there with the same ideals, or the same pricipals. There are a few other great soaker sites that you can visit and get another opinion other than GNG. These site are quality sites.


Hydrowar: GNG's sister site. I fought alongside the webmaster before and we share the same vision. Check out his site today for top mods, new ideas, and a great layout!

SS Atlantica: One of the only other hardcore militant website, SS Altlantica is going to be one of the premier soaker sites on the web today. The webmaster has a fresh idea, and is working on making his site the best. Possibly another GNG sister site?

Aquazone: A very good site, with up to date reviews and strong viewpoints. Aquazone is an established site with a nice layout and lots of activity.

MiB:The genuine article! The new MiB focuses on things like water balloons and making holsters, which is uncommon, which is why I like it.

Aquatica: You will find several other well-known sites by following this link, plus info on Aquatica, the famous club, of which I am a member.

Aquafire: Another site from a good buddy of mine. He is reworking his site, so please be patient.

New Sites:

Age of the Soaker: I have a feeling that if Shaun the webmaster from this site keeps it up, he will have a top notch site for 2002. The way he writes is good, the way he adds pictures is good, the overall layout of pages is good(although there is no navigation at this point) I expect this to be a 1st class up and coming site. Remember to give him feedback with his site.

Now the reason other well known sites are not on here is because well, mostly because there links are on every other soaker site, which makes it pointless to just put them on another site

I will get some more sites on here as I review them.