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Copywright© 2000-2002
David Lucitt
GNG fans, this is your site

GNG was not accomplished alone, it was a group effort

I have not been alone in amking this site, although I have spent more hours on it than I can remember. There were so many people who gave of their time, advice, opinions, and permission to help out with GNG and without them I couldn't have done it.

First, thank God for giving me patience and the ability to make this site. It wasn't easy!!! Thanks to Nara for giving me permission to use the WWII pictures for the background. Also, I give credit to the Medal of Honor movie series for the soldier silouette. I thank all the dudes who had soaker sites to begin with that get me interested, mostly MiB, Everything Water, and Flash Flood. Thanks to Isoaker and The Nexus for all your help and encouragement with getting GNG started. Thanks to the original fighters of the '99 'Street Wars' who, through their participation, helped me to carve out the idea for GNG. I thank Ben(sapper) for the countless times helping me with web design and advice, and giving me straight up feedback. Ben(M4) for being so excited in what I was going here, ShadowstrikePrime for the support in teh DW's and for being a great fellow webmaster to talk to, and helping me to carve out some of GNG content. Thanks to Aquatica in general for providing a great atmosphere of interaction, no matter what anyone else says, there is nothing quite like Aquatica. Thanks to all my fellow webmasters who have been couteous and responsive to GNG over this past year, keep it going guys!

I'd like to thank my parents for letting me get on here for hours at a time to work on GNG(and I DO mean HOURS AT A TIME, hehe) , the local water Militia for been cool guys to hang around with(this summer, man, I'm tellin' you, this summer! It's gonna rock!)

Finally, to all the Water Militia fans, cause if it wasn't for your interest, I know GNG would never get updated. To those that send me emails, give their feedback, talk to me online, and participate on the guys help make all this happen. This site is for YOU!

Dave, Guts N Glory