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What is Hash House Harriers?

        Hash House Harriers (H3) is a social running club - or, as many hashers say, a drinking club with a running problem.  There is very little formal organization to H3 - but that hasn't stopped chapters from spreading all over the world.

        Despite the lack of formal organization, all hash runs follow the same basic fox and hounds scenario.  On the day of a hash run, all participants assemble at the location designated by that day's hares.  Only the hares (usually no more than three) know the final destination of the day's run.  Hares are given a 5-10 minute head start.  They mark their trail with flour, chalk, and/or toilet paper.  The objective for the rest of the hashers is to follow the marks to the party that awaits them at trail's end.

        It is considered very bad form for a hare to be caught by the persuing pack of harriers.  With this in mind, the efforts of the harriers are generally hampered by an ambiguously marked trail.  Good hares can gain valuable time by laying multiple "false" trails.  When a trail runs out and the front runners realize that they have been led down a false trail, they must double back to pick up the "true" trail.

        A hash run is usually 3-5 miles in length.  It is NOT a competitive race.  Hashers work together to find and communicate to each other the true trail.  This is done with either whistles or a call of "On-On!"

        Depending of the length of the run and/or  local protocall, there are sometimes beer and water stops along the trail.  There is ALWAYS beer at trail's end, as it plays such an important role in hashing ceremonies and traditions.  There are two traditions which are universal to all hashes:

                1) Never wear new shoes to a hash!
                2) All hashers will be given a nickname.

Hash Jargon

On-On: call used to announce, "I'm on the true trail; follow me!"

shiggy: prefered terrain - not paved

check/intersection: marking left by hares to signify the possible beginning of multiple false trails; marked
                            as a circle (O) with an (X) in the middle

blow job: a very long false trail; marked as (BJ), three horizontal lines stacked vertically, or the hare's
               rendition of male genitalia

Religous Advisor (RA): seasoned hasher in charge of local ceremonies/traditions

down-down: traditional "chugging" of beer (other beverages may be substituted to accomodate special
                   needs/restrictions of the individual)

virgin: first time hash runner; always iniciated by performing a down-down

To learn the history of H3 and the origins of the name, visit