The Wrestler V.J

V.J is a hardened street thug formerly of the EDW in New York City. He is also a former champion in the NYUFC, the New York Underground Fight Club in which he fought for three years. He can be one of the cockiest wrestlers in the business when calm, but when he is enraged he is like a mad man. V.J gets his name "The Violence" for the violent nature of his matches as well as his creed of winning matches by any means necessary. V.J's agenda is short and simple. He wants to conquer and destroy each and every opponent he faces in the ring. He also wants to be crowned the champ and be known as the greatest wrestler of all time. "The Violence" also wants to be able to reform the EDW, his gang back in NYC. When it comes to fighting matches V.J prefers gimmick matches of extreme nature.

His Favorite Moves and Fighting Style.

Move List: The Spear, The Sharpshooter, Figure-four leglock, sleeperhold, Cradle DDT, DDT, Reverse DDT, Running Clothesline, Diving Clothesline off the ropes, Full Nelson slam, Release German Suplex, Powerbomb, Fisherman's Suplex, and the Missile Dropkick.

Trademark Moves: The Lou Thesz Press and Knuckles( a la Stone Cold Steve Austin), ankle lock submission, and the top rope flying clothesline.

Secondary Finisher:"The Thug Killa"- A side body DDT from the running powerbomb starting position.

Primary Finisher: "The Silencer"- (known as "Uncensored" in the WHW) It is an inverted backbrainbuster DDT executed from the Scorpion Death Drop starting position.

Past and Present Stables

The Flock(CCW), The EDW(BWA)

Past and Present Tag Teams

The Natural Born Killers(CCW), The Eastside Connection(WHW), The EDW(BWA).

* Pictures courtesy of

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V.J's Title History, Federation by Federation Records, and Career Record

Check out these E-Wrestling Federations and Sites

WWCW (World Wide Chaos Wrestling)
BWA (Bloodbath Wrestling Alliance)
K-9's Official HomePage
