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Living Reenacting

Ok, I may be a total geek, but reenacting is the coolest thing ever! Just a small taste of what we do, here are some pictures.

This is the Theatiki Fife and Drum Corps. that I'm a part of. As a group we travel and do reenactments of the French and Indian War era (cerca 1753-1770).

Through the Corps. I got into reenacting, traveling and staying at these events for a weekend. We all sleep in a canvas tent and sleep on the ground, really living 18th century with cooking over an open fire, no showers, and 18th century clothing all weekend. The best part of reenacting is meeting people, people who are into this stuff just as much as you are.

These are three pages of the three different reenactments we went to this summer. The first one is Theatiki, a local event in Kankakee. The second in "Drums Along the Maumee" at Fort Meiggs in Maumee, Ohio. The third was a small event in Forest Park.



Forest Park