
Locomotives are kinda like backyards.
There are tons of ways to get into the Locomotive but a tailwhip is usually one of the easiest. Do a regular 360 tailwhip. As the back end comes around, keep your eye on the back right peg like you would getting into a backyard. Land with your left foot on the back right peg and at the same time take your right leg and throw it over the handle bars which should be about 90 degrees at this point. Have your right leg land on the back tire to start scuffing while at the same time you want to wedge the bars 90 degrees under your behind so that you are sitting on your grip and part of your handlebars. Start scuffing at this point as like a regular Backyard. This trick is usually done without any hands on the bike because it is actually easier this way. The bike is being held up by the wedge of the bars and the scuffing that is going on. Scuff as long as you can keeping your weight centered over the back wheel. When you want to ride out, simply take your right hand and put it back on the bars and hit the back brakes at the same time taking your right leg and jumping back to the pedals.

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Email: teamstich@hotmail.com