Junk Yard

This trick is similar to a Lard Yard.
To begin, roll with your feet on the back pegs and your left pedal set down. Do and endo, then pull the front end of the bike up. As the front end comes up you must jump into the position to scuff your Junkyard. Keep your left foot on the left rear peg, but jump so your foot is facing backwards. As you do this, continue holding the bars and let them rotate clockwise 180 degrees. Pull the frame so it is standing up and on the left side of your body. Now put your right foot on the back tire and begin scuffing. Roll back as mush as you want. It will help to keep you left hand off the grip and extend it out to your side. This will help you keep your balance. To ride out simply reverse the steps and pedal away.

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Email: teamstich@hotmail.com