Hitch Hiker

This is a pretty strange trick to watch.
To begin, roll forward at a medium pace doing a forward elbow glide with your bars backwards. As you are rolling, lean forward just enough so you get to the point where you are about to fall forward. Once you get to this point, you have to put your right foot on the right front peg, let the handle bars fall to the ground (but not touch the ground) and grab the back tire with your right hand. Once you grab the tire and your feet are on the pegs, you are in the rolling position. Roll forward as far as you like. To ride out of this trick you must reverse the steps you took to get into the it. Pull the front tire towards you and lean forward enough to grab the handlebars with your left hand, grab the back of your seat with your right hand and take you right foot off the peg. At this point you can either glide in this position doing a Forward Karl Kruzer or simply drop the back end and ride away.

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Email: teamstich@hotmail.com