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Sunday, 26 December 2004
What a Queer Christmas indeed!
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: I shant pick my nose but once
Topic: No sleep hurts the eyes

Earlier this week Annett came up from Clarkston to visit me. I met her on hot or not and I must say her picture does not do her justice. She is so cute. Anywho, I spent all day monday and tuesday showing her around town. It was great because I found some new things around here. I felt bad on monday because Myra asked me to destribute papers and I took Annett on a little 4 mile hike up and down Monroe and Garland. That was splendid, me on 4 hours of sleep and her on 2. We werern't exactly happy campers after that. We sort of ignored eachother for most of the evening. We went to Constant Creations and made an appointment for the next day.Then we went over to the Sattalite for dinner. It was wonderful becuase I got to see Lily. I really need to get that girl out of my head, she doesn't seem to like me much and she has a boyfriend.
On to tuesday. I got up around 7 AM and sat in my room for a while and doodled because Annett was still asleep and I didnt want to disturb her.I finally started moving about around 8:30 and my little couch patootoo stayed in bed until 10. We just sat around for half an hour before getting up the energy to leave and as we were walking out Colin came out of his house and said,"Hey, I'll be over there in 5 min." We went back inside and waited for him for about 15 min, then I decided to go over to his house and see what he was doing, his house is kind of creepy so we decided to just leave. Annett and I went downtown and walked to the Italian Kitchen. She didn't seem to like her food very much, but it could have just been her nerves. After lunch we went to Constant Creations because it was time for Annetts appointment. We waited for half an hour, looked around, then the lady came in and had Annett pick her tattoo design. She said we could go and come back in about half and hour. So we left, went to the bus station to see what times the busses went to Lewiston(which is a stone throw away from Clarkston) Then we went to New Age Books, talked about what we were going to do in the evening. Went to a liquor store and bought the biggest Vodka in the place.
We figured it had been about half an hour so we started back to Constant Creations. Then there was about an hour of look at this picture how do you like it.-It's nice.-Ok, let me see it, ok now look. -Thats great.-Let me color the other side. I spent two and half hours holding Annetts hand while she got tattooed, poor girl cried a little at the end, I probably would have too if I got a tattoo near my Cha-cha. We didnt get out of there until 7PM and we went there at 1:30. Neither of us wanted to do anything more downtown so we went back to my apartment and I tried to call people to come over and drink, but everyone was busy. So I gave Annett my phone and told her to call her friend and I went to the store to by cranberry and orange juice.When I got back there was a strange guy standing outside talking on his cell phone looking at my house. It was Annetts friend Dominick (who she also met on hot or not). We drank a few more people showed up, they didnt drink though. When I was nice and toasty I mooned Annett and Dominick. When Annett was in the bathroom he bet me I wasnt brave enough to show him my nipple and me being drunk and not wanting to lose a bet I showed him my boob and he kissed it. Annett gave me a kiss and cuddled with me for a while. In the morning I woke up next to Dominick.Ewwww!
When Annett got up I took her downtown, got her breakfast and walked her to the bus station. I was kind of sad,but also happy that she was leaving. I didnt do a whole lot other than paint that day.
Thursday Becky was going to pick me up but she couldnt because the pass was closed, so I decided to try and hitchhike, that was pretty lame, I was cold and sad and I had to sleep on the damp slushy grass thrusday night.
Christmas Was Super!
Ok, I got back into town around 4 PM then I laid about for an hour and a half calling people to tell them Merry Christmas and all that jazz. I called Myra and she said she was having dinner at the bookstore and told me to go over. I called Becky, took a shower and made my way to the bookstore. Myra,Ryan and Nick(Myra's son) were there when I got there and we enjoyed a vegan dinner. About eightish Seth showed up and I gave him a big hug, he had spent a week in a light house with his family. Anyways, not to long after that Anna showed up and thats when the fun began. Sort of. I drank a lot of cola and we all drank some rum. Ryan went home, soon after Myra and her son went home. Seth, Anna and I stayed a little while talking and then Anna invited us to her house. I took the skateboard that someone left here at the bookstore.
When we got to Anna's Anna showed us some of her painting. We watched her snail eat for a while and talked about weird things. Anna made pita pizza that tasted very good, emmm emmm. Anna found a MRE hot pack in a drawer and I told her how to use it. Oh yeah! Anna set a pan on fire when she was cooking and it made the house stink and Seth set it on a dirty old piece of carpet outside and then it stunk like catpiss for a while. Back to the hot pack, I gave Anna some water and she put it in the hot pack. We were all entertained by it getting hot. We decided to put things in it, I put a few carrots and I forget what Anna put in. We laughed for a while then I added some lemon juice and we brought it outside to see if we could get it to expolde. We tried with no success. We got bored and left it in the back yard. Anna put on some music and I started playing with a trumpit that had no mouth piece, Anna said she found it in her basement. Seth and Anna were both able to play it, so I said ,"hey lets go outside." We did and they played, we were trying to bother people. We danced around for a while, went back to the back yard and checked on the hot pack, the carrots were kind of cooked. We opened it up and it sort of smelled like cheep hotel. At that point I decided to go home so I took the skateboard and headed in that direction. When I got home I decided I wanted to skate longer so I went around the area for a few hours. I got home about 2AM, I couldnt sleep because I was wired on caffine so I decided to paint and I stayed up all night painting and drawing stupid cartoons.And now I have an art gallery that I am going to open to the public.
Anywho, I have to get back home and pack a bag, I'm hitching a ride with Myra to Seattle and we were suppose to leave about an hour ago.
I'll write about my trip when I get back.
later later

Posted by sports/agoo at 10:51 AM YST
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