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Wednesday, 15 December 2004
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: As a stripper!
Topic: I want your baby's
Its been a horribly long time since I made an entry. I dont even know whats happened. I dont work at the bank anymore. I dont live in Bethel and I dont have a job. lol, anywho. I guess I'll just right about whats happened since I moved to Spokane, which was about a week ago, add a few days. I moved here last sunday. The first thing I did when I got here was found a hotel room. Went out to a bar got pretty drunk and decided I would try and walk back to my hotel, which was about 4 miles or more from the bar.
That was a bad idea from the get go. I was stumbling around walking down the street heading out to Spokane Valley (where my hotel was) I bumped into a hooker and she asked me for a smoke, so I took out my Camel lights and handed one to her. I asked her for directions, because I didnt really know where I was going. The hooker told me to go down this one street and I did. She followed me and we got into a fight because she wanted my bag.Luckly I won and got a way with only minor scratches. Hookers are evil!
Anywho, the next day I looked for apartments, and it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I got an apartment within a matter of hours.
Lets see, I want to cut a lot of stuff out because I need to edit some stuff soon so here it goes.
I wondered town, found a lot of different places mostly by luck. I went to value village,bought a bike. Pushed it around until I got to Myra Sues books (myras now my friend) talked to her for a while, went down the street found a bike store bought a brand new bright yellow bike(i named it hanna) Road around town all day. Found my apartment after an hour and a half of seaching. Went to the store bought junk for my apartment. Went back to Myra Sues becuase there was a punk show. Met a lot of cool people. Went to my hotel room and picked up my bags with myra sue and ryan. Went back to my apartment and slept on a foam board and bubble wrap in my snow pants. I had no furinture or blankets.
Went downtown and bought a bus pass, went back home. Took my bike and headed for SCC because I had to take a test. Got lost on the way, asked for directions, found out i was on the wrong side of the river. Found SCC then realized I left my wallet and ID at home. It was ok I had my check book. Paid for my test and then went to take it. Did better than I was expecting. Road back home. Got lost again. Went to Value Village to buy a pillow and blanket and other house stuff. Went shopping for food.Went to Myra Sues and she brought me to a finger meeting where I met Lily (a girl I'm obbsesed with,but I'm sad she has a boyfriend) Went home, slept on the floor,but this time with a blanket and pillow.
I got up early so I could go wondering. I found a place and bought furniture. I was suprized when they said it would only cost $25 to deliver it all. I went downtown.Went shopping, spent more money that I should have.Went out to SCC and registered for classes, I'm going to be taking Kickboxxing,English 101,Speach 101 and Math 91 yeah I suck at math. I went to a record store and bought some cds.Road my bike to Cricket (phone company) and got myself a cell phone.I went and hung out with Myra and then we went to a party at Jeremys house. I carried Myra on my back to her car just so I could call Lily. I told her I liked her. I think I scare her,but who cares? I went home and slept on the floor.
I got up early the movers called and said that they were coming over with my stuff. I sat and waited for about half an hour, they showed up and I helped them move the stuff in. I was so happy, one of the movers gave me her number, shes cute,but has a boyfriend. I didnt really do much on friday, went and hung out with Myra,Rich and his sister, I forget her name,but I think its Shanna.
I got up late, it was horrible. I spent all day making sure my house was extra clean because Lily was going to come over. I went to the store and got some more food, I started cooking around three. I cooked and cooked. I ran to Value Village because I wanted to fix there bikes, they were being butts and said I couldnt so I went to Myras and got Seth and Anna to give me a ride to Value Village, I bought all of them and gave them to Myra. Geez this is taking for ever. I went back home and cooked for a few more hours. Looked at the clock, it was almost 7, so I went to Myra Sues and waited for Lily, we were suppose to meet there. She didn't show. I was sad, I called Myra and she said Lily wasnt coming. So I invited Rich over for dinner. He came over, we ate and then went to his house. I spent most of the time talking to his sister. Me and Rich left and ended up at a party. I met a lot of cool people there, I dont really remember any of them except for Matt and Krystal. I didnt get home until 4 AM
What did I do sunday? Oh yeah I went downtown and hung out, road my bike up and down the streets. I found a tattoo shop. I went in and made an appointment, I went home and went to sleep. Yeah sunday was boring.
I got up earlie and went to made myself a nice breaky. Went to the tattoo shop, got my tattoos done. One is on my back and it looks really cool, I also got one on my wrist that says "made in the 80's". Its great. I hung out with Rich for a while, he was being kind of weird so I went off and wondered by myself. I was being crabby most of the day because my tattoos hurt.
I got up, went to Myras hung out for a little while and read a book. Rich called and we went downtown, he bought me some lunch, I would have bought it myself,but I dont spend money on tuesdays anymore. i went back to Myra's and worked for a few hours. I talked to Anna for a while and she said she was going to apply at a strip club, I went with her and decided I would apply to. We talked to a few stripers and I gave a few of them my number and Anna asked one to marry her.
I got up and went to do my laundry. Anna called me because she wanted to go stripper shopping with her. We went to the mall went shopping, had lunch and Anna stole a dog from Vitorias Secret. We went riding. I pissed off some angry mexicans that live across the street.Now I am scared to walk down my street, myra gave me a tazer so that makes me feel better. Me and Anna went to the strip club, it was great. Anna was there for amature night. When she danced she was really bad,but I gave her a dollar and she put her boobs in my face. I wanted to laugh so hard, it was funny. Anyways I'm back at myras bookstore right now and I need to help seth edit the finger articals.
later gators

Posted by sports/agoo at 10:41 PM YST
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