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Monday, 24 January 2005
One More Entry
Now Playing: Super Queen
I am so glad I don't have big self-esteem issues anymore or I might be crying. The world thinks I'm ugly and I don't really care, hahaha. Anywho, If you want to rate me click on the little thingy-majoggly-doo down there
Are You HOT or NOT?

Posted by sports/agoo at 12:35 AM YST
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Monday, 24 January 2005 - 1:25 PM YST

Name: sam

Glad you aren't taking those numbers seriously- Glad you are in school. Glad you are doing things to make you happy. Keep striving ahead-turn around and wave at those who are stagnating and as far as the ratings- too bad anyone has to look on the outside of a person and rate them- they should be rated on how they are and how they deal with people. Beauty fades-dumb is forever

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